May 04, 2005 14:16
a thousand miles seems pretty far
but they've got planes and trains and cars
i'd walk to you if i had no other way
our friends would all make fun of us
and we'll just laugh along because we know
...that none of them have felt this way <333
I don't want to miss one smile
I don't want to miss one kiss
I just want to be with you
Right here with you, just like this
And the only truth that I have ever found
is that there's only one thing
I can't live without,
YoUr SmIlE...YoUr GuiDaNcE
AnD AlL ThE ThInGs YoU ShOw Me...
YoUr HeAdStRoNg PeRSoNaLiTy...
YoUr TaKe-ChArGe CaPaBiLiTy...
YoUr BeAuTy InSiDe AnD OuT..
.Im ReAlLy In LoVe WiTh YoU...<3
Who else am I gonna lean on
when times get rough?
Whose gonna talk to me
till the sun comes up?
Whose gonna take your place?
There ain't nobody better..
We belong together <3
Oh baby your smile is amazingg just Like yOuO:-)
Your my little secret
And thats how we should keep it
We should never let em know
Never let it show
If you know like I know
We should never let it go..
*being around -y o u- makes me feel
like for once in my life I don't
have to t r y to be h a p p y
i.t. j.u.s.t h.a.p.p.e.n.s
So kiss me and smile for me, tell me that you love me, and hold me like u'll never let me go..
That one.. thinkin about that one special person.
the only one that can make me smile..
and that person is you....:-*O:-)
and i've learned that after a while, you just want to be with the one who makes you laugh:-D:-*
& all she wants is someone that will treat
her right, someone that will call her
beautiful when she needs it the most, &
someone that will love her ; unconditionally. x3
I KnO Im GoIn To MaKe It...
CuZ GoD WoUlDnT MaKe A MoUnTaIn I CoUlDnT ClImBO:-)
ThInK AnD FeEl WhAt YoU WaNt...
BuT OnLy SaY WhAt YoU MeAn