A silly meme. That's all I got here anymore. If you want something more thoughtful, visit my other blog
here. If you read it, I'll write more there, I promise...
1. Go into the archives of your LJ.
2. Find your 42nd entry ever. Yes, this may require some counting and basic math. You can do it.
3. Link to that entry in a new entry. This is the meaning of your life.
http://xol0tl.livejournal.com/10983.html I just got a call from the Bush campaign, asking me if their candidate could count on my support.
After I stopped laughing, I responded, "Absolutely not!" The guy actually sounded a little stunned. You'd think he'd get that kind of thing a lot. It is Arizona though, so maybe not. Oh well, it made my day at least. Hopefully Sheriff Joe's people will call next...
Great, the meaning of my life boils down to my dislike for the president. I wish I were more complex than that...