Never thought this day would actually come...

Jun 13, 2007 19:01

Wow, the internet's still working... I mean, that's a good sign, right? I was going to post something from work this afternoon but the blood-curdling screams from the next cubicle over did much to change my priorities...

And let me just say, work is not the best place to be in the midst of a fucking zombie uprising. For one, it can be a little difficult to discern between the undead and a coworker who missed his morning coffee, and most offices provide little with which to defend oneself from zombie attacks. The best I did was a nicely aimed printer cartridge at one of them which did little to stop the wretched thing, but did provide me more chance to run down the back stairwell. I just wish I could have gotten out without seeing one of those things chomp down into my supervisor's jugular. I mean, sure his meetings seemed a little superfluous, but damn, nobody deserves that fate...

Anyway, it's been a rough day to say the least, and I'm sure glad to have had at least a couple hours of rest in relative safety here. I don't know how long it will last of course, and I'm a little concerned I may run out of ammunition (or fresh water) soon, but worrying about it certainly won't help... I hope there's more of you left out there, and I hope you're somewhere safe. If you're reading this, please let me know that you're OK. Maybe we can meet up and take out more of these brain-eating bastards together...

Stay safe, stay alive,

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