early release!!!

Apr 22, 2004 11:23

Today is early release and I stayed home cause I have a docter's appointment. They had to draw blood!!! ughies!! They did it on my right arm and i cant really use my right arm right now cause its numb and feels weird. i hate havinng blood drawn. it sucks!!!! lol. so0o.... i am just typing with one hand!!! lol. i can type pretty fast with just one hand which is good that i dont have to go searching for the keys!!! lol.  o0o what the hell... i am going to type with it and not think anything of it. its frustrating me that i am using one hand so0o screw it!! lol.
  I was reading the comments that megan wrote back to my journal entries and you make some REALLY good points!!! i completely agree with you that your friends should be able to tell you anything and you're right...there is a wrong way and a right way. when someone tells you that the man that you love is horrible and you can do so0o much better... IM GOING TO TAKE IT OFFENSIVELY!!! i love him. maybe i could do better... but do i want too? NO!!! i want josh... i want him and NO matter what anyone says im not going to change that. and if people can say that you spend too much time with him and he is becoming your life.. YOU DONT KNOW $ H | + (sht) and you need to shut up.  you obviously DONT know me or my life cause then you would see that YES josh is a  BIG  piece of my life but my friends and family are also my life. josh and my friends are on almost the same level but josh is JUST A TAD bit higher cause when i am around him i feel different. i can be myself and not WORRY about anything. he is such an amazing boyfriend. he treats me with so0o much respect and i love him. i HONESTLY love him. if you have something bad to say about MY boyfriend.... you can NOT expect me to NOT get defensive about it. how would you like it if you are dating someone amazing and you love them and i said something mean about them like that they were an   /\ $ $ H 0 |_ 3 (a-hole) and stuff like that!!! i can garuntee that you wouldnt like it and you would get defensive. if you can honestly sit there and say that he is a bad person then you DONT know him. so0o... shut up about it already!!!!!
  Megan, you are so0o0o0o wise beyond your years and I AM SOOO GLAD that i can talk to someone intelligently like i can with you. no one else that i know has the insights that you do. you make a lot of sense and you are very easy to talk to and to get advice from cause it doesnt seem like you are attacking me. i can honestly say that your advice means A LOT to me and like you said on my quiz thingy... our friendship is getting  A LOT stronger cause i can talk to you about anything!!! thank you for being there for me when i needed it!! and we need to hang out sometime again!!! it was fun 2 weekends!!!! 
  but yeah... i think that i have written enough for now!!! ill write more later today!!!!

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