suffering from boredomness

Apr 12, 2004 14:55

i am "supposed" to hang out with my biffle (biffle=best friends for life) josh woods but he is still working out with matt seechuk. we were going to hang out down at the clubhouse pool but the weather is kind of nasty so0o we might just hang out in the clubhouse billiard room and just chill. him and i lost contact for a while but now we are talking like "biffles" again!!! lol. ive missed the old times that i had with him!! lol.

Josh Wood's step-brother Jullian Vasques Jr. was on t.v today. he was on the Rick Sanchez show on channel 6 (NBC)!!! he is an amazing singer and he is part of this group and they call themselves "Nüance" and they are a barbershop cortez (sp??). Jullian Jr. also known as "J" has an amazing voice. it was REALLY cool to see him on t.v!!! lol.

anyways... i am bored!!! i guessing that i wont have time to hang out with Josh woods because between 4:30pm and 5:30pm... my baby josh shaw is comming over!!! we are going to hang out... we might chill in the hot tub!!! dont know yet!!! lol. ok... well.. since there IS school tomorrow i think that i should go do homework that i have to do since i am doing nothing right now!!!
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