Sep 09, 2004 18:09
hey ppl wuddup? nuttin yesterday was the 1st day of skool i like all my classes cept math n spanish..yesterday we had half a day so we got out at 1:45 n it was pooring out n i went to alyse's house wit matt n we walked n were soaked..but it was fun..i had hw today n i did saturday i think..i havta go take a practice SAT from 9 in the morning til 1 in the afternoon..cuz im taking SAT prep n thats wat we havta do..ugh that bringing my supplies monday n shyt...i havta do really good this yr or im i havta study do all my hw pass all my tests etc. i signed up for varsity club wit renee n ana and culinary wit alyse..ya so im bored n hungry...saturday is 9/11!! really sad..n im going to get my nailz done cuz its been 2wks since i last got them its time to go lol we dont have skool next thursday n friday cuz of the jewish holiday w00t!!
in SAT prep i have adriana,kara,britt,crystal n ana in my us history i have alyse,britt, earth science i have brandon n leon n the rest are all 10th graders..its english i have christie n renee,n mike lol...lunch everyone has it so its good...math i have only 15 kids in my class but brandon's wit melol..n spanish i dont like..too many ppl i hate but i have tiffy,carol,n mexican mike wit me so its okay..n gym i have n i dont have 9th period on days 2,4,6 only on days 1,3,
i miss camp so much..i gave max my number cuz he wants me to babysit him n his brother n they live in woodmere so its not far at all..hopefully i will babysit them but i needa job in december im going to look for one cuz ill be 16..speaking of 16 idk if im having my sweet 16 yet or not gotta wait til my dad tells me so he better let me know asap..ugh
maine was awesome im not gonna write about it cuz it'll be too long but we have so many inside jokez from there! lol so im done ill update wenever i can..laterz