Sep 26, 2004 01:21
last night we had a dance!! and since me and eric arent together anymore i had sooo much fun! me and mattie just danced allll night with so many different people. it was crazy. we have suuch good dancers at our school. its amazing. i loved dancing with all the seniors and juniors. it was just soo fun. then afterrr the dance we went to a party at trev's house. trev the SENIOR that is. haa. it was so freakin awesome. i love older people. so much cooler than our grade.
seriously though. im glad im only a frosh. high schools gunna be so fucking awesome. i love fagt and i love everyone here. class of '08..we rock! actually most of us kinda suck. haaa. but i love my girls! we have so much fun.
its 1:30 am and im not tiiired. went to a party again tonight. trev picked me up! i like him :)
bye fuckers. beddd time.