Feb 19, 2004 20:41
It was so nice out today I hope it stays nice out. I'm really starting to hate the cold weather. I mean it's okay at first but then you just get sick and tired of it. Oh and while I'm on the subject of things making me sick and tired certain people are really starting to bother me. I will leave them annonymous and if you really have to know talk to me and I'll tell you. Anyway I'm tired of people telling me that they don't like someone then becoming friends with them the next day. I mean can't you make up your mind if you can't then keep your little thoughts and comments to yourself because I really don't have or need people to waste my time with their petty little games. Now on to a more positive subject it was the second day of softball practice. We haven't been having much practice since the basketball teams have been winning. We had batting practice today. It was pretty cool, not a lot of running involved. I didn't do so well. I didn't decent but not as good as I could do. Heh. Well I don't really have much else to talk about except that I'm hungry and I need to go find some food since I haven't eaten all day.