i miss...
this boy and...
this place...and..
this place. i hope they had an amazing time this weekend. and..
late waffle house visits after swim meets.... and...
nights where i can do this in the back of tim's car...and..
this whole time period when everything was good...and...
and these girls...especially the one in the gray...and..
doing this on I-75...and..
this goofy boy. ...and..
this place...and..
this boy. but i love how he still calls every night. late . just to say sweet dreams. ..and..
and this girl who i never see anymore...and..
being able to do this in spanish class...and..
and sneaking out of math class to do this...
soo i miss all those things. and dont get me wrong--im not depressed or sad or anything lol. im actually very content and happy. i was just looking through pictures and realized how much these moments/ people/ places have affected my life. in a good way.