this weekend was absolutely incredible. it started way before friday. wen me, hannah, cat, steph, and caro (shannon at lake) took rockin pictures for our sock war t-shirts.... mug shots....
we be fierce alright. after sock war...
caro and steph.
cat, me, and shan.
jesse, me, n garren.
me and kara pretty much love eachother.
i like when we can stick forks in jesse's hair :) .
and i love rubbing jake's head.
one word. milkshake. ask if you wanna know more.
cat is a beast.
everyone loves rubbing jakes head. haha.
meat hook is cute.
love harrison.
fiesta-fied garren.
i miss it.
me n jake's feet. <3 it.
jesse. DEFINITELY miss him.
milkshake skit.
justina talking to tim. more like..threatening tim. (advice from justina..."save the drama fo ya mama...or call oprah..she can give you money..or a car").
cat. steph. and caro.
hannah explaining her nun theory to the cabin.
scott and kara. <3.
not quite sure. jim did these.
me & justina. <3 her.
josh, caro, jess, me, cat. and i have soo many more pics. but it takes forever to get them on here. so they are on my dotphoto :). this weekend was amazing. the mountains were beautiful. the people were beautiful. i learned to forgive people who have hurt me in the past. and i realized that there really are genuine guys out there. and i've never cried so hard in a long time. at senior ordination...i got really worried. about becoming a senior. and leaving my family. and not being able to walk over to hannah's house everyday. and make cheesy noodles. and randomly go to cat's house when she makes cookies. and it just hit me really hard. then i thought about brandon, stephen, and tim. and how much im gonna miss them. and it was all really hard. but it felt good to get it all out. and i could write pages and pages about what happened this weekend. but you wouldn't understand. so pictures are worth a thousand words. i <3 b2sr '05. so much. i would give anything to be back there right now. it's so hard coming back from a retreat...and ur changed and everyone is still the same. but that's life. and everything works out in the end.
have a good week. :)