Dec 20, 2006 17:07
5 facts about me on relationships/love:
1. My boyfriend is Ryan Navin.
2. We've been going out for a year on Jan. 5th
3. We rarely argue, but when we do head for the hills.
4. I love him more than anything.
5. He is one of the only people I would do anything for.
5 facts about me on school:
1. I am trying really hard this year.
2. I got honor roll first term.
3. I am trying to raise my GPA to get into NHS.
4. My ultimate goal this year would be to get straight a's.
5. I either want to become a nurse or a court reporter.
5 subjects I enjoyed taking in the course of my life:
1. spanish
2. us history
3. english
4. health
5. house office :)
5 facts about me on my driving:
1. I have had my license for over 4 months.
2. I drive a 2003 black blazer.
3. My cars name is midnight magic, i love it.
4. People say I'm a wreckless driver.
5. I have no fear while driving, and I often drive to clear my head.
5 songs I currently like:
1. Making Memories Of Us.
2. Yo No Se.
3. The Kill.
4. Wind It Up
5. Before He Cheats.
5 foods I love:
1. wendys cripsy chicken sandwiches.
2. turkey clubs.
3. chips and salsa.
4. tacos.
5. cookies.
5 facts about my family:
1. Me and my mom are either the best of friends, or the worst enemies.
2. I get along with my dad, but do not have that close of a relationship with him.
3. My brother is the more successful of the two children.
4. And I couldn't be any more proud.
5. My cousin michelle is my bestfriend.
5 facts about me on dealing with kids:
1. I want three kids when I get older.
2. I dont babysit because I couldnt handle it if something bad ever happened to the kids while I was in charge.
3. I love babies.
4. I want to be bestfriends with my kids.
5. I've already planned my approach to raising my kids.
5 things about my job:
1. I work at Stephens Cleaners.
2. I make 8 dollars an hour.
3. I sit online all day, and listen to the radio.
4. I also work at the highschool answering the phones, on fridays.
5. Both of my jobs are extremely easy.
5 facts about me on money:
1. I have no concept of money.
2. I do not know how to save money.
3. I almost always have to ask my parents for money cause I run out.
4. I spend the majority of my money going out to eat all the time.
5. I am spoiled. This has an effect on money.
5 facts about me on sleeping:
1. I can't sleep with socks on.
2. I sleep on my side.
3. Sometimes I go through periods where I have insomnia.
4. I love staying up all night and sleeping through the day.
5. I sleep with a teddy bear.
5 facts about me on video games:
1. I enjoy them but im awful.
2. My boyfriend gets really into his Madden games.
3. Me and my brother play sometimes.
4. I love car racing games.
5. But only because I can cause car accidents.
5 movies I enjoy:
1. Just Friends
2. Rent
3. Elf
4. Finding Nemo
5. Thirteen
5 stores I buy clothes at:
1. Abercrombie
2. Hollister
3. Wet Seal
4. Bebe [rarely]
5. American Eagle [rarely]
5 things about my plans for the future:
1. College
2. Make lots of money.
3. Have a healthy, happy family.
4. Get married.
5. Have my dream wedding.
5 things I’m excited about:
1. One year with ryan.
2. New years.
3. Feb 25th [cleared to play]
4. christmas vacation.
5. When it starts snowing.
5 wishes:
1. To have more confidence in myself.
2. Quit my addiction.
3. Keep things with ryan as perfect as they are.
4. Be with ryan forever.
5. My brother stays on track and becomes as successful as he possibly can.
5 things I always do after I wake up:
1. Brush my teeth
2. Check my phone
3. Put on makeup
4. Get dressed
5. Pick up Breanna.
5 things I did today:
1. Went to school.
2. got sent home sick.
3. got my computer back :)
4. took a nice long nap
5. came to work
5 things about my personality:
1. I'm not afraid of anyone.
2. I hate the way girls act.
3. I act confident, but in all reality I am very far from it.
4. I have two bestfriends, and alot of other "friends"
5. I'm afraid to interact with people cause I feel like I don't fit in.
I AM: currently happy.
I WANT: a northface :)
I HAVE: an amazing boyfriend.
I WISH: I could make everyone happy.
I HATE: sluts.
I MISS: summer.
I FEAR: loosing my loved ones
I HEAR: that I'm something to be afraid of.
I WONDER: how long this will last.
I REGRET: not speaking my mind.
I ACHE: when I hit rock bottom.
I ALWAYS: put all of my effort into majority of things.
I AM NOT: confident.
I DANCE: but not that well.
I SING: with an awful voice.
I CRY: after I bottle alot of things inside, and then snap.
I WRITE: to calm myself down.
I LOSE: almost everything thats important.
I CONFUSE: nothing.
I NEED: to be loved.
I SHOULD: save money.
You keep a diary: No, but I did in 5th-7th grade.
You have a secret journal: No.
You set your watch a few minutes ahead: In my car yes.
You bite your fingernails: Before I got tips, yes.
Take a shower everyday: yes.
Have a(any) crush(es): my baby <3
Think you know you've been in love: I am in love.
Been hurt: yes
Want to get married: yes
Have any tattoos/where?: no.
Piercing/where?: ears, doubles, cartlidge.
Think you're a health freak: I really wish I was.
Get along with your parents: sometimes.
COLOR: pink and green.
DAY: Saturdays
MONTH: June/February.
SONG: Pretty Girl-Sugarcult.
FOOD: wendys.
SPORT: hockey.
DRINK: watermelon smirnoff and rasberry icded tea.
VEGGIE: squash with brown sugar.
FRUIT: golden delicious apples.
FAST FOOD: wendys.
In the last 24 hours have you:
CRIED? nope
FOUGHT WITH A FRIEND? wasnt really a fight, just told her I didnt want to talk to her.
would you ever..
1. Eat a bug? No.
2. Bungee jump? YES
3. Hang glide? no i'd manage to fall off.
4. would you cheat on your bf/gf? no.
5. Have sex with someone you don't love? uh, not sure.
6. Kiss someone of the same sex? yeah
7. Parachute from a plane? yeah
8. Walk on hot-coals? no.
9. Go out with someone for his or her looks? No, but i'd prob talk to them and if they were nice then maybe.
10. For their reputation? No.
11. Be a vegetarian? I tried that once, failed.
12. Wear plaid with stripes? probably haha.
13. IM a stranger? No.
14. Sing karaoke? only with my closest friends.
15. Get drunk? absolutely.
16. Shoplift? nothing major.
17. Run a red light? yes
18. Dye your hair blue? no
19. Be on Survivor? no
20. Wear makeup in public? ..yes?
21. NOT wear makeup in public? I do but I regret it.
22. Make someone cry? not unless they deserved it.
23. Kick a baby? no
24. Date someone more than ten years older than you? uh.. prob not.
25. Stay up all through the night? yup
Have you:
1.Fallen for your best friend? once.
2.made out with a friend? yes
3.been rejected? yes
4.been in love? yeah
5.used someone? yeah
6.been used? most likely.
7.been cool? probs not.
8.done something you regret? yes.
who was the last person... touched? dools, i helped her sit down. talked to? karen. hugged? ryan IMed? matthew jay. kissed? ryan had sex with? ryan yelled at? shiva haha. laughed with? ryan.
17.who broke your heart? danny mac.
18.who told you they loved you? ryan :)
Do you...
19. color your hair? highlight it.
20.have tattoos? nope.
21.have piercings? ears, doubles, cartlidge.
22.have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes
23.own a webcam? no
24.own a thong? yes
25.ever get off the computer? yes
Have you/do you/are you...
26. stolen anything? yes
27. schizophrenic? no
28. are you obessive? i can be.
29. panic? yes.
30. if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? with ryan :)
31. what facial feature do you like most about your boyfriend/girlfriend? his smile and his eyes.
32. would you vote for a woman president? yes
33. would you marry for money? no.
34. Have you had braces? yup
35. do you pluck your eyebrows? no i cant it hurts to bad.
36. do you like mustaches? not mustaches but I liked ryans shaggy type beard thingy, till he shaved it when he was mad at me.
37. when did you last have a hickey? never had one.
38. By who? ..
39. who do you want to kiss? ryan
40. If you could get stuck with anyone in a closet who would it be? ryan
Are you on Santa's Nice or Naughty list?
[x] You told someone you hated them.
[x] You've done any types of drugs this year.
[ ] You've sold drugs.
[x] You had sex this year.
[x] You wished someone would die.
[x] You laughed when someone got hurt.
[ ] You lied to your best friend.
[x] You made fun of somebody.
[ ] You killed or injured someone or something.
[x] You lied to your parents.
[x] You had a person of the opposite sex in your room...alone.
[x] You made out in a movie theatre.
[ ] You did stuff with someone else's boyfriend/girlfriend.
[ ] You got out of class to meet someone.
[x] You've skipped school/class.
[ ] You faked a family death to get out of something.
[ ] You've done something with someone that nobody ever found out about.
[ ] You robbed a store.
[x] You drank alcohol.
[x] You prank called someone.
[ ] You answered any one of these questions untruthfully.
[ ] You made fun of a dead person.
[ ] You pretended to be pregnant.
[ ] You did stuff in your parents bed with someone of the opposite sex.
[x] You yelled at one of your family members (siblings, cousins, etc.)
[ ] You had phone sex with someone.
[ ] You've watched porn.
[ ] You snuck out of the house.
[ ] You've been arrested.
[x] Someone came to your house when your parents weren't home OR when they were asleep.
[x] You went to someone's house when they're parents weren't home.
[ ] You made a pornographic film.
[x] You called someone sexy or said I love you to someone whos not a family member.
[x] You stolen anything.
[x] You have given someone the silent treatment.
18 or more- your're on the Naughty List!
17 or less- you're on the Nice List!
*18. Im Naughty.