Apr 07, 2005 09:03
X. Starting time: 9:03
X. Name: Kacy
X. Nicknames: Kac, Kac-a-nator
X. School: Reeths Puffer
X. Eyes: brown
X. Height: 5'2
X. Siblings: Megan*14 Chad*18
X. Ever helped somebody cheat?: yeah
X. Missed school b/c it was raining: i dont think so
X. Set any body part on fire for amusement: nope
X. Kept a secret from everyone: maybe
X. Had an imaginary friend?: no
X. Wanted to hook up with a friend: a guy friend yeah
X. Cried during a Flick: no
X. Had a crush on a teacher: nope
X. Ever thought an animated character was hot: no
X. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape: nope
X. Prank called someone: yeah
X. Been on stage: uh, how about at today's 6 hour rehearsal? yeah
X. Shampoo: any kind really
X. Colors: blue
X. Day/Night: depends
X. Summer/Winter: summer
X. Online Smiley: idk
X. Like anyone: uh huh
X. Known the longest of your friends: Jackie
X. Name your best friend(s): ALEXIS!
X. Who's the loudest: umm Jackie C.
X. Who's the shyest: AManda?
X. Who do you go to for advice: alexis
X. Who do you cry with: myself
----------IN THE LAST 2 Weeks------------
X. Cried: yeah
X. Cut your hair: no
X. Worn a skirt: nope
X. Been mean: uh huh
X. Been sarcastic: yeah
X. Missed someone: yeah
X. Hugged someone: yeah
X. Fought with your parents: that happens about everyday
X. Wished upon a star: nope
X. Laughed until you cried: uh huh
X. Played Truth or Dare: no
X. Watched a sunrise/sunset: nope
X. Went to the beach at night: no
X. Read a book for fun: kinda
X: Ate a meal: yeah
X. Are you lonely?: no
X. Are you happy: umm pretty much yeah
X. Are you talking to someone online: no, no ones on right now
------DO YOU BELIEVE IN....-----
X. God/Devil: idk
X. Love: yeah
X. The Closet Monster: no
X. The Big Bang Theory?: no
X. Heaven/Hell: idk
X. Superstitions: no
X. What is your full name? Kacy Nicole Massie
X. Who named you?: my mom or dad
X. Backstreet Boys or N Sync? neither
X. When was the last time you showered? yesterday morning
X. What was the last thing that you said online? umm.. see ya?
X. What is right next to you?: my bed
X. What is your computer desk made of? wood?
X. What was the last thing that you ate? pizza
X. What is your favorite state?: idk
X. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? not sure yet
X. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: i have no idea
X. How many buddies do you have on your list: 102 on one and 200 on the other
X. How's the weather right now?: idk i havent been outside
X. What did you do last night?: hung out with Michael Ü
X. What's the best thing that you find about the opposite sex? umm idk
X. favorite hair color? brown
X. Pizza or ice cream? both
X. How do YOU eat an Oreo? i dont eat oreos
X. Dream car? there's a bunch.. but i really want a cavalier or silverado
X. What do you want to be when you grow up? idk yet
X. What are your future goals?: graduate high school go to college get married and have kids
X. Favorite music?: anything really but my fave is prolly country
X. Least favorite time of the year: idk
X. Fast or slow?: depends on what you're talkin about
X. If you could change your name, what would it be?: i wouldn't change my name
X. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: no
X. Have you ever been in love? yeah
X. What will your first son's name be?: umm idk
X. Favorite drink?: water or juice
X. Do you like scary or happy movies better?: both
X. Lust or Love?: love
X. Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: sure
X. Do you want your friends to do this survey?: if they want to
X. When's your birthday? May 18th 1988
X. How old will u be?: 17
X. Time done? 9:14