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Apr 26, 2005 16:49

well i havent updated in a while...

havent been up to too much..

my birthday was a couple weeks ago.. me and my grandparents and ashlee went out to dinner @ Red Lobster that night and then had cake and ice cream with my mom brother and sister and my uncle and cousin.. i got money and some new shoes and other shit for my birthday.. nothing big..

went to the movies with ashlee darby and bigelowww that friday and seen Amittyville horror.. it was packed.. but it was good and we had fun... then after that we went and got pizza and went homee...

Then that saturday me ashlee darby bigelow deanna andy jason peter bruce dan jay and mallory all went to Red Robin for my birthday party.. oh my god was that a blastt.. we always have sooo much fun together... after that we all went back to dans hizzouse and have a party in the streets.. this party would have consisted of break dancing on a cardboard box... car surfing... streaking.. and much much moreee.. =)

Sunday me and andy were supposed to go fishing but that never ended up working out sooo i dont know.. i still wanna goo sooo bad and i also wanna go shoot a squirrel because that just sounds fun to meee.. lol wow thats kinda mean isnt it.. haha..

Me Ashlee Bigeloww and Darby have been going on tons of bike rides lately..  sweet sweet funnn..

I've also been running a ton.. not as much as i would like too but i have been doing enough..

then all last week we pretty much just hung out went tanning.. you know.. blah blah blah...

Friday night Ashlee Andy and Keinath came over and we just hung out here for awhile then my cousin came over and we picked up peter and we all went over to bigelowws and hung out and played with his little sister for a little bit until his mom and dad came home..

Saturday me and ashlee got up early and went to Great Lakes crossing with my Grandparents to look for prom dresses.. we ended up finding our dresses about 3 hours later.. haha we looked forever and tried on soo many.. but it was fun.. then we went to the rainforest cafe.. mmm delicious.. after we got home me and ashlee got a call @ around 9 saying everyone was headed to my house.. and i expected just a few people to show up.... oh no it was more then a few... me ashlee andy jason peter darby bigelow alex jay bruce and phil.. oh man that was soo much fun.. this would consist of.. calling QVC tons of times... wrestle mania... snow ball fight @ Mcdonalds until we got kicked out and then a snow ball fight @ the Y...

Sunday me ashlee phil bigeloww and darby all went sledding.. haha that was fun tooo.. it was wayyy cold though.. so we only went for about a half hour and then went and got some hot chocolate and came back to my house and watched the Texas Chainsaw Massicure.. sweet movie.. i must sayyy...

soo that is pretty much all ive been up to.. except i broke my car and my grandpa had to take it to get it fixed and they wont get the parts in until next monday... soo ehh you know how that goes..

waiittt one more thing.. im going to FLORIDA in 24 Days with Ashh.. which means.. boysss... sunnn.. no school... and a hell of a lot of funnn =)

well here are some pictures of the past couple weeks.. enjoy =)

 The fat little black kid that kept running around playing games and we were crackin up at...

 Mal and Andy @ dinner.. im not sure what Mal is doing but it is funny as helll..

 you gotta love my bff Andrewww

 Dan Peter and Brandon...

 Mallorys fingerr i thinkk

 Dan Bruce and Brandon...

Brandon doing god knows whatt...

lmfao gottaa love Deanna =)

Darby being black as usual...

The litte fat black kid ended up sitting right next to peter.. and i think he was a little full... lmao

They were singing happy birthday to me and Jason and Andy were making me laughhhh

looks like Deanna is trying to get into my ice cream.. and all i wanted was for someone to tie my ballons around my wrist.. =)

Ash @ dinner on the phone with andyyy

this sweet big fruit treee

me and Ash standing by the big ol' fruit treee =)

A big huge mushroom just for my buddy Jasonn...

me @ dinnerr

Ashlee laughing her ass off @ me of course =)

Me and Ash with some safari hats on.. how sweet is thatt...

awww how cute am i...

me and ash with our cute little frog and elephant hatsss onnn....

Cowgirllllllll babyyyyyyy

Eating her desert....

us racing bigeloww and Darby to Southwestern....

 Before sledddinggg

Ashh after sledddingg =)

me and ashleeee looking horriblee really really late one nightt a couple weeks agoo

another bad pic of me and ash over Spring Breakkk..

and last but not least.. some crazy gorilla sitting outside someones house in Brandons neighborhood.. kinda scares mee..

well thats pretty much it for noww... ill prolly have more pics soon thoughh...
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