Aug 25, 2005 23:20
I spent a lot of time with the boys today. I went to the girls bball scrimmage with Rob JJ and Dan. They made me walk to Buscemis and they didn’t even have what Dan wanted so we went to Wild Flower but there was a lot of old people so then we went to Wendy’s and JJ bought me a frostie :-) Rob fed me salt and pepper and said he would take me to the movies and buy me my ticket but sadly we didn’t even go tonight so blahhh it was yucky. Ashley picked us up from Wendy’s then I went home. JJ called a little later and said we were going bowling. Emily came over before and I showed her all my new stuff and then Pearl picked us up. It was me emily pearl nico eric rob jj derm dan roots and Jason. It was fun because idk…it’s nice to hang out with them again. Elaine and Jake stopped by and then Erin and Rachel did. Pearl took me home and we had a REALLY good talk even though most of the time we were yelling…except not at eachother. He’s a really good friend!
I can’t wait till tomorrow ahhhh football season finally!
And I definitely CANT wait till Tuesday!