WEDNESDAY // got all packed up nd everything nd went to my daddys house
at like 7am wtf? when i got there we went shopping ferr a whole buncha
shit then went back to my dads. we hadta clean up nd shit then we
packed up tha camper which took like 6 hours! after that i juss chilled
in my room nd talked to myia nd kora all day - nuffin much.
THURSDAY// uhmmm we planned to leave at like 11am buhh didnt end up
leavin till like 3 soo yeah i woke up at like 9 nd took a shower nd
everything nd then packed up a lil more shit then juss chilled till
like 3 then we finally left nd we met everyone on tha road nd juss
drove together. it took like 4 hours to get up there which is really
fast cuzzzz it usually takes like 5 hours. soo on tha way up there we
stopped nd went shopping at all tha outlets - there was like 500 of
them. then we finally got up there nd like tha second i got up there i
had an "attitude" sooo i got send to"my room" in tha camper ferr tha
rest of tha night (till my stepmom fell asleep) nd then i juss snuck
out of tha camper nd me danny nd ryan went ferr a walk at like 2am ferr
like 5 fucken miles! nd we got lost nd tha way back haha funny shit.
FRiDAY// woke up at 11 - thass like tha latest i ever get to sleep in
there sooo woke up nd it was already like 98 degrees out sooo i juss
put my bathing suit on nd we all drove down to tha beach nd juss
chilled out there ferr like a few hours since there was nuffin else to
do all day. soo after we got back from tha beach we juss chilled
outside nd watched movies in tha air condition cuz it was fucken hot as
hell. at like 10 kora nd everyone finally got there nd we juss chilled
- they all had to go to bed early cuz there stepmoms a fucken pregnant
bitch haha soo yeah i was bored that night cuz everyone went to bed
early. finally went to bed at like 5am
up at like 9 nd went to tha beach again ferr a few hours then came back
nd everyone was there finally. we juss chilled outside nd did a raffle?
ferr all tha little kids nd then they did an adult raffle buhh it was
all gay shit like a blanket nd shit. sooo yeah me nd myia nd kora juss
chilled in tha campers juss talking nd shit. then finally when tha
party started at night everyone was fucken wasted soo my dad was drunk
nd gave me some tequilla - fucken nasty shit. soo yeah i juss sat
around tha fire watching everyone get drunk nd tell funny ass storys.
woowwww it was fun.
SUNDAY// everyone packed up nd left soo it was juss me nd my cuz's
there. kora got to stay tha night wiff us soo we juss chilled again nd
went ferr another walk nd did stupid shit. we went to webber which is
tha most fucken awsome-est place ever! lmao yeahhh we had fun =) soo we
left webber nd went up to macinaw island nd juss chilled there nd went
shopping nd shit. then we drove back to gaylord nd juss went out to
dinner nd then had another bonfire nd juss chilled
MONDAY// went to webber again nd went shopping. everyone was drunk as
hell again nd it was soo funny. didnt do much that day buhh chill wiff
kora. then we took her home wiff all tha kids - kora, kolton, kannon,
karley, alex, sam, becca, danny, ryan and tyler. holy shit thass alot
of kids.
TUESDAY// everyone packed up all there shit nd we went to tha beach
ferr a few hours nd went back to get our camper nd everyone left. we
went out to lunch where my uncle works nd got in a huge fight wiff my
stepmom. it was funny - then we finally drove home nd got home at like
8:30 nd i juss went swimming in tha pool nd chilled all night.
WEDNESDAY// i finally came home. ooomg i havent been home in forever!
my mom picked me up nd dropped me off at girlfriends nd errin and
chelsea and grace came over nd we juss chilled nd did yoga nd richard simmons HELL YEAHH. lmao it was funny. sooo everyone left nd i juss stayed tha night at girlfriends nd we juss fell asleep.
TODAY// woke up at like 10 nd juss chilled nd watched tv then my mommy
came nd got me nd i think later tonight im going ta tha movies wiff
kirstiee - yayy i havent seen her in forever soo im excited.