My Eventful Weekend

Apr 05, 2004 00:12

Well, I skipped school on Friday, which isn't out of the ordinary for me. (I have a terrible case of senioritis). Anyways, you would think I'd do something interesting like go shopping or go to the beach, but no, I went to work. I got some extra hours in, so I guess thats good. Friday night I had a date. Date?!?! Yes, thats right...I had a He was actually someone I used to date before I started going out with Shawn...which was like forever-ago. Anyways, I guess it was an allright date. We had dinner at Ruby Tuesday's, and then saw Jersey Girl. Such a good movie, I recommend it highly. (Warning: major chick flick, but good nonetheless) Anyways, there weren't any major sparks, and I haven't called since. He was a perfect gentlemen though, opened doors, refused to let me pay, I dunno whats wrong with me. Oh well, we'll see what happens. So Saturday I went prom dress shopping with Liz and Kelly! Eddy and Ryan also came along for our shopping adventure (such brave souls). We went to town center, and were there for what seemed to be like 5 hours, and I didn't find one dress I even remotely liked. Maybe I'm being too picky, but I want the perfect dress. I don't want to settle for something that is close to perfect, I want it to be totally perfect. Its my prom. Its the last formal event of highschool, my dress has to be memorable. Hopefully I'll find something at Sawgrass, and if not I'll venture down to Miami. Prom is so stressful. So, Saturday night I went out to dinner to La Bamba with my parents. Then Kelly and my friend Adam came over and we watched Gothika. My friend Kevin was supposed to come over too, but I guess he got lost along the way. It wasn't as creepy as I thought, but then again I fell asleep about halfway through. I haven't gotten around to watching the rest yet, but I have another 3 days. Today me and Kelly woke up to my mom singing to us "Play that funky music white boy," and then dancing around the house as she cleaned. That was great to wake up to. From there, I went to work and my day brightened even more. I went to put my name in the day off request book and saw that Shawn and his new g/f had taken off a whole weekend to go camping together, isn't that nice. That just made me want to puke. I got off at 8, came home and showered and then went and saw the Prince & Me w/ Kelly. It was such a good movie!!! Everyone has to go see it. I wanna go to college and meet a Prince, and become the future queen of some foreign country. Wouldn't that be fun??! Highly unlikely, though. It was a really cute movie though. And that concludes my eventful weekend. Hopefully my spring break will be fun! Who knows though. Until next time....
<3 Jess
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