Snowflake Challenge - Day 14 and Day 15

Jan 16, 2013 21:27

Day 14

In your own space, write a love letter to Fandom in general, to a particular fandom, to a trope, a relationship, a character, or to your flist/circle/followers. Share you love and squee as loud as you want to. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Day 15

In your own space, share a favorite memory about fandom: the first time you got into fandom, the last time a fanwork touched your heart, crazy times with fellow fans (whether on-line or off-line), a lovely comment you’ve received or have left for someone. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I took a leaf out of 

argentumlupine 's book and made a podcast which sort od encompasses both days. Apologies in advance for rapid speed talking, hard-to-understand accent and no structure to my ranting whatsoever!

Love you, fandom! <333

Click here to download the podcast!

Also, have a ridiculous little sketch which crosses over Bandom with Edward Scissorhands *waves hands* I don't know. Maybe I should post it over at

bandom_meme .

bandom, edward scissorhands, snowflake challenge 2013, illustration

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