Snowflake Challenge - Day Nine

Jan 10, 2013 19:57

Day Nine

In your own space, create a fanwork. A drabble, a ficlet, a podfic, or an icon, art or meta or a rec list. A picspam. Something. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

A quick sketch from a suggestion by
argentumlupine on Twitter: Ray and Gerard cuddling. Or Gerard and Mikey cuddling. Actually, any MCR members cuddling. \o? I guess it sort of fits, but mostly it's sleepy leaning. Which is also great. I was also going to colour and everything, but I couldn't get it to look the way I wanted.

My first fanwork pretty much outside of Bandom. I loved The Hobbit (I saw it the second time in cinemas a few days ago \o/) and
reena_jenkins asked for a podfic cover of The Secret Language of Brothers. I couldn't resist drawing bb!Fili and Kili.

gerard way, kili, bandom, the hobbit, illustration, mikey way, fili

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