Three Fanarts, Old and New

Dec 18, 2012 18:38

So this is all bandom fanart that I sort of never got around to posting? Some of it's new, though. I'll post them in order of newest to oldest. These are pretty much SFW.

A young punk!Frank drawn for a podfic cover which I've just started recording. I was focusing a lot on linework and creating a sort of caricature as I tend to work pretty realistically and so don't usually put much effort into lineart. I like his, like, boyishness.

This is a sort of promo/movie poster thing I made for vononxx who's writing this fic. The fic is set in the 1930's/40's and so I tried to emulate the style of movie posters at the time. Von did the lineart, I did the colours. I much prefer this way of working because then I don't have to think of any ideas /o\ Also this is really horrible quality because I hosted it at photobucket.

This is for an AU  of Von's where Gerard is a crossdressing 1930's caberet singer.

illustration, frank iero, sfw, historical, gerard way, bandom, crossdressing, au, mikey way

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