Podfic: Buzzed (written by synonomy)

Dec 01, 2012 08:15

Title: Buzzed
xojemmaxoFandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance)

Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: Mature
Time: 40:16 mins
Author's Summary:

"You should," Frank gets out between snorts, "you should cut your hair."

"What?" Gerard wheezes.

"No, it's just - it's all stuck up." Frank shuffles forwards on his knees and then his hands are in Gerard's hair. Gerard's laughter dies down abruptly. Frank's fingers are surprisingly gentle on his scalp, ruffling it up, carding through it. "We'd probably have to wash it first, though," he says thoughtfully.

Reader's Notes: I've had my eye on this for ages now and I recorded it months ago, but it was just one of those podfics that I was never happy with. I re-edited last night and now I'm finally posting. \o/
Direct Download: Here

Original Text: Here

frank/gerard, my chemical romance, podfic

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