Frank the Botanist! (Illustration and Crappy Not!Fic)

Aug 26, 2012 10:46

Okay, so. This was done for a prompt from lucifuge5 over at bandom_meme on Dreamwidth. The prompt was 'Botanist!Frank can talk to plants. He's just started to date Mikeyway (but has kept his ~talent~ a secret.) What's Mikeyway's reaction when he discovers it? Does Mikeyway has a ~talent~ too?'

I accidentally drew a picture instead of anything actually relevant.

I guess this would be halfway through the hypothetical story. Frank kept the talking to plants thing a secret until he knew he could TRUST Mikey, you know? Because it is kind of a weird superpower or whatever and Mikey's totally into that kind of thing but Frank's still not totally SURE until one day when they're out having dinner at like a sushi bar (Mikey's choice) and Mikey say all casually, "Oh by the way, I can change the weather with my mind." And Frank's like WOAH and he doesn't actually believe him at first but after Mikey takes him outside and like, sweeps all the clouds out of the sky with a movement of his arm, and he's like a JEDI.

Frank tells him about the plant thing, and Mikey's mildly surprised and they talk about how much they TRUST each other and eat their sushi, and then he takes Mikey the fuck home.

His various plants are all outraged when he slams the front door closed and shoves Mikey up against it, reaching up on his toes to get at his mouth and fisting his hands in his shirt, pressing his thigh up between Mikey's legs. A cactus on the windowsill is horrified and screams for everyone to shut their metaphorical eyes, and Frank keeps giggling at all the hilarious things his plants keep saying, and Mikey's totally out of it because he's busy rutting against Frank's leg and kissing him.

Frank's bedroom has no plants in it. He and Mikey fuck against the headboard, Mikey sweating and rolling his hips in Frank's lap, and Frank groaning and holding on to Mikey's shoulders, his face, his hair, and feeling how Mikey's so fucking tight and hot inside.

The next morning Frank wakes up first and rolls out of bed, leaving Mikey to drool on his pillow. He chucks on a shirt but doesn't bother with pants, and he drinks coffee and smokes hanging out the kitchen window. He's having a conversation with the Lithium Bulbiferum on the windowsill when Mikey comes up behind him and leans against his back, looking up at the sky, and makes the sun shine a bit harder, because the tomato plant Frank's always talking about is wilting and Mikey knows Frank would be devastated if it died.

Ugh, that was horrible, but I don't mind the picture at least.

bandom, frank/mikey, illustration, not!fic

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