The Skin of the Canvas (Frank/Gerard) Illustration

Aug 05, 2012 22:41

Not sure if this is entirely finished yet... I wanted to put it up here tonight before I went to bed, so I think I rushed the last bits.

This is an illustration based on sinsense's 'Skin of the Canvas'. It's a truly awesome AU where Gerard is a recovering alcoholic art student and Frank is a nude model who poses for his life drawing class. This is inspired by a scene in the story.

Frank is sort of smirking at Gerard because Gerard's a giant loser when he draws and gets all *concentration face* and can only speak in monosyllables.

I really wanted to explore sunlight, shadows, and colour with this one. I think it turned out okay. Frank looks like Frank, which is pretty important. Gerard is... recognisable. Mostly I loved drawing (and looking at) the shadows. I added a lot of purple to the picture to balance out the yellow sunlight.

Frank doesn't have his tattoos because after, what, eight hours? I just couldn't be bothered! Also, it's surprisingly difficult to find good references for them.

Onwards to the drawing!

So, yeah! If you liked it, I'd love for you to leave a comment!

the skin of the canvas, frank/gerard, au, digital art, r, illustration, college

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