Waycest One-Shot

Jan 07, 2012 11:47

Hi! It's been a long time since I've been on LJ, but I've still been writing. However, this is the first thing I've written in two years that I think is good enough to post here. It's a Waycest and rated R, so if you're not okay with that kind of thing I wouldn't recommend reading. It's just a short one-shot, pretty much PWP, but there are links to things that make it sound like it could be part of a story. Hope you enjoy. :)

Mikey comes home from school one day in a good mood, for once, and Gerard hears him singing tonelessly in the kitchen, humming through the hallway and padding down the stairs to his basement within a few minutes of coming through the front door.

"Hey," he calls preemptively, and the footsteps slow for a second before the knob on his door twists and the door opens. Mikey sticks his head through the gap and grins at Gerard, tilting his head back so his eyes look huge and bug-like through his glasses.

"Hey, Gee," he says, and comes into the room.

Gerard's been working on a comic while procrastinating studying for an exam he has in a few weeks time at college. He twitches the papers towards Mikey and says, "I sketched out some more pages, you wanna see?"

Mikey makes an excited noise and grabs the papers, sifting through them and squinting at each one, scrutinising. Gerard always feels uncomfortable when his professors do this, but with Mikey, it's okay. He trusts Mikey.

"Aw," says Mikey, when he gets to the last page. "Way to leave it on a cliffhanger, Gee, I wanna know what happens next." He sets the comic back down and looks around the desk, as though there might be secret hidden pages somewhere. Then he looks at Gee and actually pouts a little, and it makes him look ridiculous. The corner of Gee's mouth twitches up without his approval. "You have to write more for me."

"Not while you're here," says Gerard, and laughs. "You're too much of a distraction." He gets a thrill when Mikey gets it and his face changes, his smile becoming more toothy and his eyes big.

"Can you at least tell me what happens next?" Mikey asks. He drops one shoulder down and traces his fingers along the back of the desk chair Gerard's sitting in, and when his fingers brush strands of Gerard's hair, Gerard gets a chill down his spine. He looks consideringly up at Mikey. "Hm. I'm not sure..."

"Oh, come on," says Mikey. He pretends to look hurt, but his acting is terrible and he looks more amused than anything else. "Please?"

Gerard pulls his mouth to the side. "Maybe I could tell you later, when the house isn't so empty."

Mikey's eyebrows shoot up under his carefully styled, meticulous fringe. "Really? How long are they gone for?"

"They're gone until tomorrow after work," says Gerard eagerly. He leans forward in his chair, aware of how close he is to his brother. "We're the only ones here 'till then."

"Shit," says Mikey. He touches his index and middle finger to his forehead and smiles hugely at Gerard. "This is fucking exciting."

"I know," says Gerard. He almost feels dizzy. They haven't had the time to be boyfriends for weeks, they've had to keep up the charade of being only brothers in front of their parents and friends for so long.

"Come here," says Mikey, and reaches out his arms. Gerard stands, beaming, biting his lip, and folds himself into Mikey, arms squeezing tight around his back, pressed up against his brother and his smell, that one deoderant he uses and pure Mikey. Gerard supposes he smells similar, they're related, after all. Gerard buries his face in Mikey's neck and feels his waxy hair on his face, sweat against his skin. Mikey's hands grip at his back, and then he pulls away and back in again, kissing Gerard, lips soft and dry, like they always are.

Gerard kisses him, shuts his eyes and feels the practiced choreography of their mouths, Mikey's tongue hot and wet against his own, the synchronised tilting of their heads, the way they keep touching, Gerard's hand rubbing firmly up Mikey's shirt, feeling his hot skin against his palm and fingers.

Mikey's hand is in Gerard's hair, tugging like he can't stand it, and Gerard kisses him deeper until he needs to break away to breathe. Mikey looks at him, dopey, and says, "I love kissing you."

"I love you," returns Gerard, and holds Mikey's sides under his shirt and kisses him again.

This time they can't kiss for very long, though, because they're both smiling and clicking their teeth together is sort of painful.

"Wanna go -" Gerard mumbles aganst Mikey's cheek.

"Bed?" Mikey finishes, and they laugh like idiots for a few seconds, even though it's not that funny, before Mikey grabs Gerard's hands and tugs him over to Gerard's bed, smiling at him the whole time like he can't help it. Gerard can't help it, either.

Mikey sits down, yelps and stands back up again - Gerard snickers when he sees that Mikey had sat on a pile of action figures and a shoe before Mikey gives him a look and he moves them, shoves them on the floor so Mikey can sit down. He does, daintily, then snorts and drags Gerard down with him, kisses him messily as they crawl somewhat diagonally onto the bed.

Gerard ends up on top of Mikey - briefly, because he hates being on top in case he squashes his brother, and he's generally awkward as hell. He rolls off Mikey and lays down beside him instead, slides his fingers up his neck to hold his jaw and kisses him, kisses him, kisses him.

They're so close. Gerard has one arm settled around Mikey's waist and the other curled up against his own chest. He can feel Mikey's arm against his stomach; he's holding his own hip lightly, because there's no where else to put it. it's perfect.

They have a rest, after a while - it felt like five minutes, but prior experience tells Gerard it was probably actually twenty - and lay with their faces so close Gerard has to cross his eyes to look at Mikey's nose. They're breathing slowly, exchanging air. Everywhere Gerard is touching Mikey feels so warm he could be on fire. He shifts, mainly to get even closer, and realises he's hard, and Mikey probably is too. He hadn't noticed.

He's just extracting his arm from where it's stuck between him and Mikey to touch Mikey through his jeans, feel how hard he is, the shape of his cock through his pants Gerard has memorized, staring at Mikey staring at him, when Mikey goes, "So what happens?"

Gerard's hand stops and he frowns. "What?" he asks.

"The comic," says Mikey brightly. "What happens?"

Gerard groans and pushes his face into the non-existent space between Mikey's neck and the mattress. He kisses at Mikey's damp skin. "Later, Mikey, come on," he wheedles. Now that he knows he's hard, he sort of really wants to get off. Not to be rude, though.

"Now is later," says Mikey stubbornly, suddenly turning into Gerard's little brother again. It's disconcerting when that happens, when Mikey's demanding something like a kid and Gerard's feeling his vocal cords vibrating through his lips on Mikey's neck as he speaks.

Gerard pulls back enough to look at Mikey's face. He's dead serious, not even cracking a smile. His eyes follow Gerard as he pulls away to a safe distance.

"Come on, I wanna know," he says, smiling, like he can't believe that Gerard wouldn't tell him. Gerard sighs. He secretly moves his hand down between them to rub against his cock, closing his eyes momentarily. Mikey says, "Hey, stop that. I really want to know, Gee, come on."

Gerard sighs dramatically and flings his hand up to rest his arm across his forehead. "Fine," he says.

"Cool," says Mikey happily, and settles back to let Gerard speak.

Gerard gathers his thoughts - he can't believe he's doing this while he's hard as rock and could be getting off - and begins.

"So, you know the superhero guy? Tazer?" Gerard asks. He shuts his eyes and fades into the recesses of the darkness behid his eyelids.

"Yeah," Mikey says, and wriggles a little closer.

"Yeah, he gets cancer."

"Really? Cancer?" asks Mikey, sounding skeptical.

"What?" asks Gerard.

"I don't know..." says Mikey. "It just doesn't seem that plausible for a superhero, you know?"

Gerard cracks an eye open. "You are annoying as hell sometimes," he reminds Mikey. Mikey doesn't care, though.

"Okay..." he says, in a tone that says he's not going to let the cancer-having superhero go.

"Okay," says Gerard resolutely, and begins again with the plot outline. He tells Mikey everything he's thought of today to add to the story, further the plot and make it more interesting. Mikey says "yeah" and "awesome" and makes suggestions where he sees fit, and Gerard takes them into account because Mikey's pretty smart and good at this type of thing.

Mikey keeps getting closer and closer while Gerard explains, curling an arm around his waist and hoisting himself flush with Gerard's side. Gerard lies flat on his back and looks up at the ceiling and at Mikey, but he doesn't do that too often because like he said, Mikey is distracting.

"So then they get into the laboratory, right, but I'm not sure what they do after that because Tazer's forced to have his powers stripped at the entrance portal, and Shadow is really weak, so." Gerard glances over at Mikey, who's smiling indulgently. He had taken his glasses off while Gerard was talking, he notices. They're on the table next to Gerard's bed. Gerard goes to speak again but he does that thing where he swallows all his words.

"Sounds amazing," Mikey says, slow and soft and Gerard thinks he'll probably be getting off soon. "You're amazing."

Gerard doesn't think he's that great, really, but every time Mikey says something like that, it makes him feel pretty good. He never knows what to say, though, so he shifts onto his side again and kisses Mikey again.

Mikey pulls him closer immediately, like an octopus.

"Hey," he says between kisses. Gerard tries to keep up. He slides his hand up the back of Mikey's shirt and presses his palm against Mikey's lower back, presses him closer. He feels Mikey's cock against his hip - Mikey makes a little noise and nudges underneath Gerard a little so he has leverage to rub up against him in tiny, controlled movements.

Gerards stomach flips over when Mikey does it, the familiar 'he's my brother oh god this is so wrong' screaming in his head, but he doesn't stop, just kisses Mikey and lets him pant against his mouth and winds his hand down underneath him when Mikey makes a frustrated noise.

"What's wrong?" he murmurs into Miley's mouth, as his brother makes a frustrated noise and thrusts up again once before wiggling around.

"Can't get off," says Mikey. He sounds embarassed. "Usually I can like that."

"S'okay," says Gerard softly, lifting his hips a little to slide his hand between them.

"Uhn," exhales Mikey, as Gerard starts momentarily rubbing him gently through his jeans. Mikey's dick is hard and forced down through the leg of his pants. Gerard has a similar situation at the moment and feels a stab of sympathy.

"Can I take your pants off?" he says quietly, and Mikey ruts up against Gerard's fingers and grunts, "Yeah."

"Okay." Gerard lowers his head and kisses Mikey's throat, his brother's Adam's Apple bobbing as he swallows rapidly. Gerard feels for the button on Mikey's pants and painstakingly manages to pop it open with some writhing of his hand. He pulls down the zipper and feels Mikey's pulse quicken under his lips.

Mikey lifts his hips obscenely when Gerard asks him to, and Gerard eases Mikey's pants down over his cock, his thighs, and leaves them bunched at Mikey's knees.

Now Mikey's half beneath Gerard, warm and amazing, in his underwear. Mikey's breathing really hard through his nose and his eyes are staring intently up at Gerard while Gerard palms him slowly through his underwear.

"Fuck, Gee," he says shakily, his hips swaying off the bed as Gerard lifts the elastic and fits his hands inside, feeling the familiar sick thrill he always gets when he first settles his hand around his brother's cock, hard and smooth and hot.

"Ah," says Mikey. He licks his lips and twists his hips up to make Gerard move, pressing his lips together hard when Gerard starts jerking him off sure and practiced. Gerard pushes down Mikey's underwear with his free hand and looks down for a moment. He sees his own pale hand in the dark, warm space between them and Mikey's cock pushing out of his fist every stroke.

"Fuck," he says breathlessly. He stops for a second, watches his hand still, and starts again, glances up at Mikey's face and sees he's trying to be quiet. He pushes himself closer, moves his leg so it's on top of both of Mikey's.

He kisses his brother and says, "You can make noise, you know. No ones home." He wants Mikey to make noise, wants him to call his name.

"Ngh- no," gasps Mikey, stuttering on a particularly delicious twist of Gerard's palm over the head of his cock. "Too -embarassing." Mikey's getting close now, Gerard's sure. He's gripping the sheets with one hand and Gerard's back with the other, tendons standing out against his pale skin. His neck strains up and away from Gerard's face, and Gerard sucks at the skin.

"But I'm your brother," says Gerard, and Mikey's breath hitches, his hand spasms on Gerard's back.

"Fuck, you're so-" mutters Gerard, then gets distracted by Mikey's neck again, leaving bruises with his mouth. Gerard redoubles his efforts, rubbing the head of Mikey's cock on every upstroke, squeezing him how he knows Mikey fucking loves it.

"Oh, shit," keens Mikey eventually. Gerard grins against his neck and nips a little as Mikey continues. "Fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuck," grits out Mikey. His eyes are screwed shut, his mouth open and jaw tense.

"Fuck, Gee, Gee, Gerard," Mikey swallows loudly and gasps, "Fuck, Gee!"

Gerard grins and grins as Mikey's hips snap up, his hands spasming uselessly, as he comes over Gerard's fist.

Gerard strokes him through it slowly, watching as Mikey breathes and stares crazily at the ceiling. He tugs Mikey closer and Mikey accepts his lips, kisses him weakly and messily. Gerard is thrumming.

"You made noise," he says happily. "You said my name."

"Embarassing," agonizes Mikey, and tries to roll away, but Gerard won't let him.

"I love you," he says instead, and Mikey sighs and turns his face to him.

"I love you too," he says, smiling, and then shoves his hand inside Gerard's jeans. "Now come here and let me get you off, you big loser."

gerard way, my chemical romance, fic, mikey way, rated: r, waycest

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