Mar 06, 2006 02:26
b00st3dch1ck: cmon quick
LilCuTiE6679: bancock fabrics
b00st3dch1ck: ROFL
b00st3dch1ck: WHAT?!?
LilCuTiE6679: i dont know
LilCuTiE6679: your fabric store....and SO MUCH more
LilCuTiE6679: you should have said HORSE
LilCuTiE6679: GR
b00st3dch1ck: LOL
b00st3dch1ck: i know but i felt gorilla would hit home harder
LilCuTiE6679: rofl
LilCuTiE6679: and we look kinky because our hair
LilCuTiE6679: rofl
b00st3dch1ck: Oh yes cuz pigtails are so kinky...
LilCuTiE6679: there's that turd i shit out like 3 hours ago...floating right by me..
LilCuTiE6679: hmm
b00st3dch1ck: rofl
b00st3dch1ck: no no !
LilCuTiE6679: its his!!!
LilCuTiE6679: take your turd sir!! take it!
b00st3dch1ck: LMAO
LilCuTiE6679: like shit....just imagne...shit floating through the nice house....
LilCuTiE6679: in a stream of pee
b00st3dch1ck: LOLL
b00st3dch1ck: ROFLMFAO
LilCuTiE6679: and like....over railing (assuming there's stairs)....and plopping on someones head
LilCuTiE6679: priceless
LilCuTiE6679: right there
b00st3dch1ck: ROFL
b00st3dch1ck: ROFL
b00st3dch1ck: ROFL
LilCuTiE6679: shit is funny
b00st3dch1ck: Yes it is
b00st3dch1ck: the shit word is funny
LilCuTiE6679: uh huh
b00st3dch1ck: im kicking myself
b00st3dch1ck: at this very moment
LilCuTiE6679: ill kick you l8r too
b00st3dch1ck: like
b00st3dch1ck: back kicking my ass
LilCuTiE6679: rofl
LilCuTiE6679: hahaha
b00st3dch1ck: lol
b00st3dch1ck: over my shoulder with my foot kind of way
LilCuTiE6679: oh my
LilCuTiE6679: take a pic
LilCuTiE6679: LOL
b00st3dch1ck: which im sure is possible with my leg
b00st3dch1ck: LOL!
LilCuTiE6679: yess!
I don't know. lol