Apr 14, 2004 20:44
Woo. TOday was i n t e r e s t i n g. woo. School was really really boring and we had softball practice today. Well lets write about School, shall we?
English we took a spelling test. it was gay. all spelling tests should be shot and never deserve to be taken again. We also went to the computer lab to type our research projects. Caroline wouldn't help me with it. it was upsetting.
Gym we got this long talk about how we should keep our stuff locked in our lockers if we don't want it stolen. it was gay.
Social Studies I HATE MS. BUZAN. woah. she deserves to be shot or something. why can't she just go back to effing bahamas.
Music we did nothing but like study for the test and play keyboards.
Lunch I sat with Daphney and Lauren today. it was fun. I haven't sat with them in a loonnnnng time. felt like last year or something. It is all mr. mumins fault that we don't sit together anymore because he moved our effing table and then broke it up. its upsetting yes I know.
Math eee. is all I have to say.
Science it was fun. Sam only gave me half a peice of gum and she gave mike a whole one. thanks sam. lol. i still love you though. your like the best.
then I had softball. it was fun. suprisingly. we were batting and me and ashlee were like woah hyper and ashlee kept throwing the ball to fast i was like WOAH WOMAN SLOW DOWN! and shes like woah shut up. and im like omg lol. woo. fun times woman.
yes that was my day. funn stuff woman.
Later Kids.