Jul 20, 2004 01:45
Well. Hmm tonight kinda really sucked major ass.
Me and Jarrett are in like the biggest fight we've ever been in. It's like we're falling apart because we havn't seen each other for sooo long. And I was so afraid this would happen and he was all positive it wouldn't but then tonight it happend. It's so complicated and I don't feel like writing all about it because I don't really want like the world knowing everything. But I mean I'll just say it was pretty hard. And Pat helped me through it allll.
To sum it all up about Pat, here ya go...
Pat, wow. Ever since we started talking, I've felt so comfortable around you. You and Kaylee had been going out for a really long time and like I knew that I could talk to you about stuff, like me and Jarrett, because you were a guy in a long-term relationship and I could look to you for advice on what maybe Jarrett was thinking and what I should do. Then I got to hang out with you when I came up and you are amazing. You're the sweetest person I have EVER met in my whole life. And to make things better you're the only boy from PA that I know that actually has some respect and manners. You've always been there for me and you always want to make things right if I'm upset and I want to thank you for helping me tonigth through this thing with Jarrett. You helped me understand that Jarrett does, really care for me even if tonight I didn't feel like he did. And you helped me realize that I really do love him and I'm not gunna just give up. And it also helps that even though, you might have liked me when I was there, you still went on hanging out with me not saying a SINGLE self-centered thing like "Oh I'm alot better than Jarrett" like I know some people would have, because you respect us. And when we were talking tonight you didn't say one thing like "You should break up with Jarrett" all you said was encouraging things, and that really meant alot to me, to know there was someone I could talk to that wasn't gunna try to break us up. I want you to know that even though we live like a bazillion miles apart, you are one of my best friends and I hope we always stay like this. And if you ever need anything, I hope you know I'm here for you. I loooove you lots(=(= <33
It felt so good to just like say everything I felt, knowing someone would understand. And I feel alot better about the whole fight thing and I mean I knew nothing was gunna happen with me and Jarrett, but still I was pretty pissed about what happend. Ohh well. But thanks Pat(=