Aug 14, 2004 04:42
1)Full name- Gina Suzanne Sweringen
2)Nicknames- Weena, Weena-Bo, Jean, Sisty, Jeenis weenis the girl who has!
3)Birthday- 11`02`89
4)Do you own a pet?: 3 horses, 2 cats, 1 bunny, 1 rooster, 2 fish
5)Hometown-Daytona Beach
6)Town u were born in- Daytona Beach
7)What do u look like- 5’4’’ blonde, green/brown eyes
8)Are u handsome/beautiful- I’d like to think so!?
9)Why or why not- Born that waaaay!
10)Family members- Mom, Dad, Sarah, & Garrett
11)Favorite relative- Oh, definitely my Heathie!!
12)Least favorite relative- I love them all!
13)Do u think the #13 is unlucky/lucky- Don’t really care about that junk..
14)What time do u go to bed usually- Like 11ish
15)What did u do yesterday- Watched the hurricane, and talked to *Justin!!
16)What did u do today- Cleaned up the debris uhh duh..
17)Favorite place to eat- Wendy’s :)
18)Favorite food- Mac & Cheese
19)Favorite drink- Sprite
20)Favorite number- 7
21)Do u drink-
22)Do u drive- Permit in 2 months!
23)If so, what kind of car- I guess the truck & the Honda..
24)Have u ever dyed your hair- No, I’m naturally blonde, can’t you tell..
25)What are u wearing in ur school pic? didn’t pay attention
26)Worst thing uve ever done- Like I’m telling everyone riiiight..?
27)Best thing u ever did- Met Justin of course <333
28)Favorite radio station- 102jamz
29)Favorite TV show- One Tree Hill duhhh
30)Favorite room in ur house-My room
31)Favorite season- Summer, of course!
32)What’s in ur room- Umm, all my stuff??
33)Do u have a scanner- Nope..
34)What kind of computer do u have- Compaq
35)Do u have a mic- Yup..dont use it though!
36)Do u have ICQ?- no way
37)If so, whats ur ICQ#- dont got one
38)Are u wearing nailpolish right now- Well yeah, when am I not?!
39)If so, what color- Royal blue with white stripe lol *beautiful!!
40)Ever stolen something- Uhh yeah..
41)Do you like this survey so far- Hmm, not really!
42)Ok, let’s play a game i say a word and u say what u think of- alright?
43)chocolate- poop
44)spice- Mom’s chili
45)taco- Bell
46)pretty- hair
47)hot- OMG JUSTIN!!!!!
48)cold- winter
50)coolatta- dunkin donuts
51)pink- baby girl
52)email- computer
53)hacker- zared of course
54)ocean- beach
55)sun- purddy
56)Ok, lets play another game, I say a name and you say who u think of- Mmmk!
57)Bob- the builder
58)Rose- baby ana rose
59)Justin- my favorite person alive!
60)Delilah- heather’s fake station
61)Ricky- retta’s ex..
62)Jenna- chick down my road
63)Joe- Boxers
64)Jamie- Never smiles?
65)Ron- photo dude
66)Tabatha- BFF
67)Mark- er?
68)Britney- Spears (is gay)
69)Anthony- Hopkins
70)Christina- Aguilara
71)Brian- that gifted kid
72)Maria- ulloa
73)John- payne
74)Katie- heathers ma
75)Tiffany- pale
76)Shawn- Melhorn
77)Megan- hooch
78)Tammy- rawlins
79)Bobby- parks
80)Tim- short
~~~~~~~LasT Time u~~~~~~~~~~
81)Spoke- Justin*
82)Showered- Last nite
83)Ate-lyk and hr ago
84)Cried- dont evn remember
85)Sneezed- today
86)Laughed- like 2 secs. ago
87)Wrote- at school *eghh
88)Typed- right now ? what a gay question
89)Studied- never study..
90)Drank- milk
91)Fought- 2 days ago
92)Ran- today
93)Walked- today
94)Hiked- this is FL...yeah.
95)Coughed- today
96)Rode a bike- 2 days ago
98)Iceskated- 4EVER ago!
99)Bought something- today
100)Was sick-nite b4 the hurricane
101)Tell Me Which u prefer in the next questions ok?- suuure thing..
102)Forwards or Chain Letters- forwards
103)White or Black- black, of course!
104)Strawberry or Lemon- strawberry
105)Chicken or Turkey- Turkey!
106)Red or pink- probably red..
107)Soda or Pop- soda
108)Blonds or Brunettes- in a guy?..brunettes
109)Make-up or No Make-up- depends on where ur at..
110)Straight or curly- straight
111)Summer or winter- summer!
112)Spring or fall- spring
113)Christmas or Easter- omg duh..Christmas
114)Valentines Day or St Patrick's Day- Valentines <333
115)Pretty or beautiful- beautiful
116)Hott or Sexy- hott
117)Tall or Short- tall..(unlike heather)
118)Long or fast- what a fast i guess
119)Chocolate or vanilla- Vanilla
120)Private or Public School- public
121)Religious or Spiritual- religous
122)Half Empty or Half-Full- half full
123)TV or Radio- radio
124)Walk or Run- run
125)Drive or Walk- drive
126)Crowded or Empty- empty
127)Lefty or Righty- righty
128)What was ur most embarassing moment- way too many
129)Best friends- love u guyz
130)What did u do on New Years- Party what else..
131)Do u have MIRC- if i knew what an MIRC was id let ya know.
132)Favorite car- truck
133)Favorite shampoo- Dove
135)Favorite colors- royal blue/lime green
136)Who are you going to send a blank copy of this to- nobody cuz its gay lol
137)Any last words about the person who sent it to you- no1 sent it 2 me!!
138)How long did this take you to fill out so far- far far farrr too long
139)How was it- uhh..wonderful uh huh..just great
140)Who is going to send this back- and i would know that how?
141)Who isnt going to send it back- omg stop asking the same questions!
142)Favorite place to shop- mall
143)Who do u like- no1..but i love justin!!
143)Do u have an Mp3 player- will pretty soon..
144)What mp3's do u have, if so- none?
145)Are u a virgin? course :)
146)If not, who was ur first? hellooo can u not read
147)Do u have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Well
148)If not, who do u wish u were with? I’m with who i wanna be with..
149)What's the furthest u've gone with the opp. sex? what a question..
150)Are we close friends? ur a computer ty..
151)Would you tell me your deepest secrets? yaa oooookay..?
152)Would I tell you mine? would u?
153)How well do you know me? not that well
154)Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with? umm im only 15 lol
155)Do u want to have kids? oh of course!!
156)How many? 2
157)How many times have u been in love? only once :-D
158)Are u right now? most definetly..i love u justin!
159)Is this getting boring? it suuure is
160)What is ur favorite movie? 8 seconds
161)What is ur favorite thing to do? be with my justin as much as i can!
162)Who is ur favorite person to talk to/spend time with? Justin n heather
163)Are u stupid? sometimes..
164)What school do u go to? Seabreeze
165)Do u like it? sure
166)What is your favorite::::::::::::::::::::
167)Music- like it all
168)Band- dont got 1
169)Singer- dont got 1 of those either
170)This is kinda long huh? uhh YA
171)Do u believe in God? yup
172)Do u go to church on a regular basis? yes lol
173)Are u supposed to if u don't? yes??
174)What religion (if any) are you? christian
175)Do u like ur parents? kinda have
176)Who was ur first crush? shay mcnerny in kindergarten lol
177)Who was/is ur biggest crush? probably....justin!
178)Do u plan on going to college? well yeah
179)Take a wild guess at ur grades right now- umm i guess straight A’s
180)Do you think they're very good? is straight A’s are very good sure
181)If ur not a virgin, how many people/times have u had sex- zeeeeero?
182)Who was ur first (serious) boyfriend? Justin
183)Who was ur first REAL love (if anyone)- omg justin..thats my answer to like every question lol
184)What do u do for fun- ride? i dunno..
185)Are u::::::::::
186)Fun to be around? ask heather lol
187)Annoying? sure, sometimes everyone can be..
188)Boring? oh no..
189)Bitchy- bitchy? yes, i can be that lol
190)Weird? wow just ask justin ohhhh yes!!!!!
191)Outgoing or shy? outgoing..
192)Pretty? I guess so?
193)Nice? yup!
194)Talented? yup yup yup
195)If so, what's ur best talent? piano probably..
196)Would you ever do anything with me (sexually)? you are a computer u fag.
197)Would you ever do anything with me (non-sexually)- how could i?
198)Have u ever thought about suicide? uh NOOO.
199)If so, are u feeling better about life now? always have?
200)Are you glad you’re finally done?- ohhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeah....