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Jan 18, 2006 06:44

        So...what has been going on in everyone's life?? Nothing to Big in mine as everyone already knows lol! School has been going really good...i am loving all my classes...well besides math but thats just cuz the teacher gets to off topic and it gets confusing..but other than that its all good..im getting really good at memorizing pharmacy stuff..which is exciting..and psychology is AWESOME! my teacher is so funny!!  So how is everyone elses classes??? well work has been ok so far...i haven't been able to work that much at the LC cuz of target..but im getting more hours at Target now so thats good...i have to work this whole weekend...Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday at target...then i have tuesday off and pharmacy clas from 630-10 and then i work wednesday at the LC then thursday is my pharmacy class from 630-10 and then work friday saturday sunday at the LC! so...yea..busy busy me!! LOL!  But its all good...i need the money..i opened a checking account LOL! finally! and thats been kinda helping me save money until i needed a filing cabinet thing to keep organized so i bought one at menards....and hopefully it will make me organized..lets all hope! LOL!... hmm Sunday is mine and Davids 18 months... so thats cool.. UmMmM...Tonight im staying at Davids house and hes taking me to school tomorrow so then we are going to dinner with his mom and g-ma for his g-mas birthday... and then im going to pharmacy..so..yea! Well i don't have anything else to really write about...Buh~Bye  LoVe YoU dAvId :)
XoXo           ~Tiffany~
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