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Apr 15, 2005 01:05

well well well livejournal we meet again, i feel bad i haven't updated in a longass time because i've just forgot to or when im like "OH I SHOULD HELLA WRITE THIS IN MY LIVEJOURNAL" i get all the way to it than i forget what im supposed to write... so here it goes, spring break has been awesome, i've been like out doing stuff for almost everyday, let's recap shall we?

friday worked door for FAME and saw many people which was awesome than afterwords emma drove me to the cast party for a bit and we stayed there for like the lasagna (or however you spell it) than we left and had our emma sam chat on the way home

saturday i had cox graham and rod over and it was hella fun we orderd chinese food from this crazy ass place and the guy was like "oooo yo namme is sam my name is sam too" and he went on this whole trip about it and it made like no sense and i was literally scared. and throughout the night rod kept making my house seem like a haunted house and there was this like mosquito hawk or something and me and cox being the cool kids we are decide to get my airsoft gun and shoot it... than rod woke up tossing and turning saying "no es no vamos no es no vamos" which for not taking spanish is exreemly creepy for rod to be saying.

sunday cox stayed over like all day when everybody else left to go home and me and cox shot guns and ate all the left over stuff we had than angela called and wanted us to eat her pizza because her mom didn't want her to? im not sure but on the way back from retriving a full free cheese pizza (it was hella good) my other neighbor was like "hey are you andrews cousin?" and cox yells "FUCK YEAH BITCH" and it was classic. well than he went home and i was hella tired and i went to bed

monday i got up at like 12 from jack calling me to go to his house for a hella fatty halo 2 party (yeah we're cool like that) i rolled on over there all the way up in the boonies and played maddd halo and deffinatly took some names and it was hella sick than we barbequed (somehow spelling?) hella good hamburgers and played basketball than my mom picked me up and i got home and went to bed.

tuesday kato woke me up (the dumb son of a...) and asked me what my last name was? or no some other random question that lead to asking me what my last andm iddle names were and i was like kato if your going to wake me up don't ask me stupid questions.... and it was ridiculous than after kato woke me up i had realised that it was 12 and that i was supposed to go to the beach like 2 hours ago so i was pissed i missed my beach fiasco and so i was like ugggh what am i gunna do? so than all the sudden leanne calls me andi s like "hey let's hangout" so i went down to leanne's house with graham and we chilled there and make pizza's and played with jack? i think her turtles name is? im not sure but it was pretty fun than we went to waldorf for a bit and swung on the swings and caught up from old times and than my mom picked me and graham up andi drove him home than came home and slept.

wensday yet again kato attempted to wake me up as a joke but i had to work so i got up like exactly 2 minutes before she tried to wake me up at 8 and i was like not happenin kato.... than i went to work and almsot fell asleep because it was so early but it was awesome i got all my work done in the morning instead of like at 3 but unfortunatly i was so tired that when i got home i just had to crash i was like ughh im so tired so i played a little xbox and hit the sack at like 10.

than thursday, which is today? or it was yesterday which was an hour ago but it seems like today i got up when nate called at like 12 (the joy of sleeping in) and we hella got ready and picked up graham and went bowling in petaluma and it was soooo sick except nate's too good to bowl... he got like a 170 and acted like it was nothing and me and graham felt like oh damn don't mess with nate... it was hella funny, than we came back to my house after bowling and ate all of our left over food and our hotpockets and they were hella good, than we drove down to cox's house and chilled for a bit and like we started talking about hella old TV shows like pete and Pete and camp anawana and like hey dude and clarissa explains it all and DOUG ohhhh sooo good. those were the golden days.... than we turned on the TV and found power rangers and we all hella got into it and all 4 of us were like "HELL YES POWER RANGERS" than nate had to go be a life guard at the JCC and me and graham and cox continued to watch power rangers for like the next half hour until we started to realise how dumb it was getting, than we started talkin' about hella old school power rangers and how everybody thought the pink ranger was the shit and how the black ranger was badass because he was black and than we hella got caught up in it and walked to the mall to rent monster rancher 4??? who knows?? at the time it seemed like such a good idea... than we got there and saw it was like rented out for the week so like some fat kid is hella playin monster rancher right now and it pissed us off.... well than we walked around for a bit than we went to the dollar store to get graham a cap gun and like me and cox went on this whole trip of having these little fake nerf guns... yet again one of those moments where at the time your thinkin' ohhh shit this is a hella good idea but where in the end it was a waste of 2.50 and time.... so i shot cox about 4 times with it and was like... damn you can have mine... so on the walk out of the mall we went to silbermans to visit leanne and guess to my surprise i see? alex krantz which was so awesome i hadn't seen her in years than also we kept going and once we got inside we saw ali colona and i was like ooo damn ali it's been forever, i dono that girl is just one of those people who when you talk to her your like day feels lifted or something she's just one of those bright cool people, so than leanne was like "you have to leave im going to get fired you guys have fake guns in my ice cream store" so we were like "oh yeah" and we said bye to ali and went back to cox's where we busted out the old n 64 and played some Perfect Dark which made you really apprichiate what game systems we have now but it was still hella fun and frusterating when graham always won, than after that i had to take graham home pretty soon we didn't realise but it was like 10 after eating pizza and playing perfect dark for 3 hours... so than cox was looking for super smash brothers so we could duke it out and instead while he was looking for it me and graham found his old pokemon stadium and were like "wow i coulda owned you in pokemon back in the day" and we got into a battle and we turned it on and hella played that shit it all pretty much broke even but i beat graham the first time and we were all like yellin' about it and cox's dad is like "what's all the comotion about???" and we're like "DUDE POKEMON" and he's like "wow... for being teenage boys your all dumbass's" than i had to take graham home but cox found super smash brothers so we started to play for like a second than we had to go and it was hella fun than i got home and started talking to allie, i hadn't like talked to her for a longass time and she's just one of those champions that makes you feel good about yourself even though her haircut is like hella messed up (im kidding) corey's a lucky man (she's a keeper)

well all is said and done tommorow im leaving for tahoe to see stomp and stay at my cousin's house for saturday than sunday i have to do hella hw and drive home from tahoe im not lookin' forward to it...

but than monday will come... and my whole spring break will have all been one far away memory that just seemed like something i did a year ago and evan will be back from mexico and im sure there will be tons of stories to share amungst ourself's and we get to findout if we got into AP history on monday which is also awesome but than im going to have to start working again... ugh than we all have to start memorizing our lines for arabain nights which is going to rock the cazbah. peace'
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