Apr 21, 2006 00:00
I'm tired of having crushes and I'm tired of being single. There. I said it. Don't all jump at once.
Disclaimer - no offense, but I actually don't think anything would work out with anybody that reads this. Exceptions being a)Farrah Johnson and b) yeah I can't event think of a b.
On another note, it's not even being single. I just like the concept of being thought of, or remembered. I have a big fear of not being remembered, or not being given credit for something I did. I think that's kind of selfish, but at the same time I recall something in that nature happening to me a lot when I was a kid, so I guess it's just a complex that I'm always going to have.. maybe. For example the little things that are done "behind the scenes" will always continue to go unnoticed. I just wish I could be a more memorable person. I like when people remember or know my name. It's so important.. especially if they actually spell it right. MY NAME IS NOT KARA. It just kills me when I know that I've introduced myself to a person a zillion times and the zillionth and one time I meet up with them they give me that "oh shit, I know you but I don't remember your name so I'll just say 'hey'" look. I had a little emotional breakdown today because of a culmination of little things (it's always those damn little things). I wouldn't necessarily call it a breakdown, I just allowed myself to let out two tears. It was kind of obscure, I didn't have a bad day.. just little things happened. So I was walking down the sidewalk after all my classes were done and they just kinda popped out. And so now you know a few of the some of the little things that have gotten to me.
I'm too sensitive. Why am I posting? Because I already took the time to write it. Meaningless posts.