1. Tell me your name: April
2. How old are you?: 15
3. Got any Nicknames? What are they?: Apez, Apey, A-Po, Ape, Apes, apezter, apetizer, apzy, and a shit load more
4. Siblings?: yeah....1 real, 8 half
5. Got a boyfriend or girlfriend?: yeah jon =D
6. If not, who do you have a crush on?:
7. What's your favorite place to go and just have fun?: the corner in daves basement! -lol-
8. Do you like to shop?: not really
10. If you could do any of these things (right now), what would you do? Why?- Rock climb, surf, snowboard, ski, bike, or skate?: surf!!! or learn to snowboard
11. What's your favorite movie (in theaters)?: hmmm Cat in the Hat!! lol katie Dirty Ho!
12. What's your favorite movie of all times?: maybe Finding Nemo or Santa Claus 2!! --lol steph n katie
13. What's your favorite band?: senses fail maybe i dunno
14. What's your favorite song of their's?: The Ground Folds or 187
15. What's your favorite TV show?: i dont really watch tv but maybe one tree hill if i had to choose
16. What's your favorite color?: pink
17. What's your favorite food?: um....taco dip
18. What's your favorite season?: summer
19. Favorite state?: Rhode Island
20. If you could go anywhere, where would ya go? Why?: here for new years (im going to florida but i want to stay here) Otherwise i want to go to Rhode Island
21. Where do you want to get married?: Outside on a cool summer day in a garden
22. Who do you want to marry?: i dont know
23. You think you'll really marry them?: hmmm
24. Do you think you are...
~Funny? yes! im hilarious
~Sweet? yeah i guess
~Ugly? sometimes
~Pretty/Cute? sometimes
~Mean? to certain people...and in my own way
~Nice? yeah to most people
~Athletic? in ways
~Trendy? i dunno
~Preppy? ehh i used to be but not really anymore
~Punky? more or less now
~Stylish? in my own way
25. What's your favorite piece of clothing that YOU own?: my glo jeans that i didn't cut 2 inches off(inside joke)
Who is... And why?
26. Funniest?: Steph...shes so blonde you cant help but laugh...but i still love her
27. Sweetest?: guy - jon(to me atleast) girl-melissa maybe
28. Skinniest?: people say me :-/ but i dunno
29. Horniest?: if i cant shoose me FOR SURE Steph! wow i cant even explain lol
30. Sexiest?: jon ;-)
31. Most Athletic?: umm i dont know
32. Hottest?: jon again
33. Coolest? they'r all "pimp" lol
34. Dumbest?: missy!!!
35. Smartest?: lou
36. Kinkiest?: moi or steph
37. Who could you not live without?: katie and steph
38. Who could you live without?: i need all of them
39. If one of them got kicked off of survivor, who would it be?: um im not sure actually
40. Who can you talk to about anything?: katie and steph
41. Who do you hang out with the most?: katie
-Choose one-
42. Hot or Cold?: cold
43. Sweet or sour?: sour
44. Beautiful or Sexy?: beautiful
45. Short or tall?: tall
46. Girl or Guy?: girls are better but i like guys =D
47. Jesse or Chester?: both! they're great
48. Dumb or Dumber?: dumber
49. Scary movie 1 or 2?: 1
50. American pie 1 or 2?: 1
51. Stifler or Jim?: Stifler!!!
52. Lust or Love?: love
53. just Making out or havin sex?: making out is fine with me
54. Movies or Tv?: Movies
55. Wal Mart or K Mart?: i did liek kmart but there is no more of thopse around here so i guess Walmart
56. AOL or MSN?: AOL
57. Snow or Rain?: rain
58. Hugs or Kisses?: kisses
59. Tennis Shoes or Flip Flops?: depends
60. Pants or Capris?: pants
61. MaryKate or Ashley?: ehhhh none
62. Day or Night?: night
63. Light or Dark?: Light
64. Blonde or Brunette?: Blonde
65. German or French?: J'aime Francais
66. Amusement Park or State Park?: Amusement!!! 6flags!!!!
67. Music or Music Video?: Music
68. MTV or MTV2?: neither
69. Blue or Pink?: Pink
70. Yahoo or ICQ?: Yaho for friends, ICG for germans lol
-Have you ever...-
71. Rock climbed?: no
72. Eaten way too much?: yup
73. Been really horny? (haha): HAHA!!! everyday! like right now! =/ 3 H's!!!
74. Skinny Dipped?: maybe
75. Mooned someone?: yes
76. Flashed someone?: yes
77. Had sex and hated it?: no
78. Had sex and loved it?: no
79. Slept in til like 3 pm?: yeah
80. Gotten more change than you were suposed to get and kept it?: yes
81. Gotten totally wasted?: yes
82. Had a realistic dream and cried when you woke up?: hmmm...i dunno
83. Loved someone?: no
84. had your heart broken?: yes
-Can you...-
85. Do the splits?: i used to til i hurt myself
86. Tie your shoes?: yes
87. Cook?: yes
88. Dance?: yuo
89. Make good come backs?: of course
90. Keep your room clean for a week?: ha! no
**********LUV ?'S********
Do u have a boyfreind/girlfreind? yeah
What is their name? Jon
How long have u been going out? like 4 days lol
Have u held hands? yeah
Kissed? yeah
Frenched? yeah
Ahem...did anything else? yeah
Do u get butterflies everytime u see them? yes :-D i really like him =/
Do u love them? not yet
How many people have u gone out with ur whole life? awww man i dunno
Names? do you really want names?
Which one meant the most to u? they never last long enough to mean a lot but right now jon means a lot to me
Which one was the longest? lol like 5-6 weeks =/
Pop: Sprite....im gonna stop drinking pop again
Candy: um skittles...i dont eat much candy though
Color: pink
Nail polish color: black
Food: anything
Gum: spearmint orbit
Way to sit: (cross legged, etc.) knees up
Movie: maybe finding nemo
Computer game: i dont play them
Board game: balderdash
Date: ummm
Person: katie and jon
Place: daves corner!
Time: (10 am, midnight, etc.): um like 10 at night
******** --- or ---- ********
Morning, afternoon, or night: night
Lights on or off: off
Soft kiss or agressive kiss: it doesnt matter
French or normal: french
Movie or TV show: movie
Breakfast, lunch, or supper: ahhh someone else says SUPPER!!!!!!!!!!!
Chocolate or white milk: chocolate
Black and white or color: color
Country or soft rock: COUNTRY!!!!!!