Nov 02, 2004 18:01
WHY in t HE heLL dO we have fEeliNGs and emOTioNs??
i dOn't undersTand... how i can chOose to not talk to someone because i KNOw we can't get along and know i don't want to be with them..but yet i feEl soO sad abOut not havINg them anymOre?! sOoO conFusiNg! ='(
sOMetiMes you hAve to make deCiSionS thO baSed on the lOng rUN...lOng teRm...futUre...bLAH!
im hungry and tired. i get a few eXTra hOUrs this week thO!!!! =) mO' moNeY! toMoRRow i gO in 2 hours earLy and thuRsday and fRidaY i gO in a houR earLY!! i'm kinda glAd thO! i could really use the money!
i guEss iMMa eat and go to beD!
cOmmEnt......*21 dAys*
lOoVE! <3