FinaLLy upDatiN

Nov 22, 2004 13:30

I know…I know! I’m slackin with lj! I’ve become addicted to myspace! …not really addicted but it’s kinda replaced my lj…poor lj..i still love you! =)

It’s been like a whOlE week since I updated!

Don’t really remember all that happened last week so I can’t tell you all about it…I know what your thinking…DARN! Lol..jk! =) althO I remember this weekend!…hehe! FriDAy I ‘toDdler’ sat…she’s not a baby so I can’t say babysat…well I could but she might be offended.

SatuRday I went over to Amanda’s and helped them dO some paCkin…they got alooottta stuff! I inherited some glasses and ice trays and plastic plates! WoO hoO! =)  We were allll staRViN so me and amanda went and got ChiLi’s to-gO for everyone…before we left thO Ant was actIn like a bIA BiA! And I felT like toTal craPOla cause of my sinus’. So when we got to chili’s AmanDa told me how they had planned a surpriSe lil shiN diG for me and she  was only telling me incase I didn’t wanna go to AntS cause he was bein a buttHEad and I was sayin how I didn’t wanna go ouT cause I didn’t feel goOD!…so I was like awEE!! So I called my friend AmY and told her about it and told her she should comE! =) so we went hoMe and ate and then me and maNDers got read to gO…mike my greAT cousin came over and folLowed us to ant and shauNs…when we got there they were soOoOo fuKKed up~! lyLE and some of his palS came over…didn’t really knO them but that didn’t stoP me from getting my dRINk on!…shit it was MY biRThdaY thing! =) shANNon moCK came over toO w/ her beNTLy! She’s sOOoo cuTE! Once aMY got there we neEded more to drINky so she went and  gOt us moRE!!! OUr lil parTy eventually moved to the bedrOOm cause  we didn’t reALLy know the other peEPs in the living roOM! ANt and shAUN were acTIn buCK wiLD! Lol. Ant haD his beer in this HUGGGGEE! Mug and he was spillin it everywhere…DuSTin and some of his friends came over…somehoW we ended up on the bacK poRch thinGY tryIN to keep ant from fallin down the stairs!…I threw their aLOe plant over the raiLing thing ! =) by this time shauN had alreaDy pasSSed Out…with a LIT cigarette in his mouTH..i went in and juMPed on him and he didn’t budgE…I go in the kitCHen and the oVeN w/ frENCh fries in there is ON and noONe is in there…so I saiD if something starts to catCh fire someone do someTHing about it. LoL! Later on I go back in and ant’s walking around aimlessly lookIng for something to get the hot buRNt fries out with…I dunnO if they even got eaten. ME and lyLE wrote a leTTEr to SiNGHa (however it’s spelled)…it’s “malT liQuor’..actually it’s beer…that’s what our letter was about….’Don’t put MALT LIQUOR if it’s not malt liquor…just put beer cause that’s what it is…tRUE’ we still gottA mail that shit! We signEd it sWeET <3, jEssica and lYLE! =) I think they are gonna be glad to hear from us! We plAYed asShoLE…me AND amanda wON! =) we weren’t the assshole…we kinda cheated thO (that’s how we both won)…we were tradin cards so we woulndt get skipped…if I didn’t have what I needed I’d trade her one of my cards for what I needed and the same for her! We can dO that thO cause we's piMps toO! Lol. AnT eventually passed out toO…afer he knocked over the coffee tablE of course…he passed out with a cigarette in his mouth toO and a beer in his hanD..his wasn’t lit but his beer was deff. Full and almost spillin! LYLe and all them left… but we kepT chuGin along…we all eventually left cauSE it was getting late…were sO nice…we made sure everyone left and we even went thru the trouble of makin sure the apt. was all locked uP! …not like they wouldA even known if someone came in. HA! I left my car there and amY toOk aMANda home then mE…dON’t worRy…we gOt loTs oF fuNNy ass piCs…will post once we get em on the coMp….

SuNDay…woAHH I woke up feelIn kinda iLL!!! Lol. I was like uuugGHHHHH. I remembered why I don’t usually drinK! TalKEd to manda and aNt and shaun calLEd me toO to make sure I had a gOOd time cause they said they don’t remember ANYTHING! They don’t evern remember us comin over! Lol. I kinda layed around till later afternoon and then me and amy went and got amanda and we went over and helped them cleAN up the aPT. there was soOO much trasH! Not to menTion the TP we useD to TP the liVINg rOoM! =) of course they were already driNkin again..playin nintenDo football stuff…we went back to amANdas and I layed aroUnd there too …we washed out fLipy flOps in the dishwasHEr. And then I went hOme…I was tired! I slept gOod last night toO!!

YoU know what suCKS…my mom is ofF this whOLE week…and she’s probably getting paiD still…luCKy! And my broTHer is suppose to be getting his car either toDay or tomoRRow…he’ll NEVER be hOme…the only reason he’s home as much as he is now is cause he can’t have my moms car 24-7…just about thO.

I wiSH I could huRRY up and get over this sickness bullsHiiiT! My pooR nose is so rAW! Amanda called me this morniN and told me I got her siCK…I hope I didn’t! She thINks it might be from all the movinh causing the dust to get stirred up and bother her sinus’ which is veRy possible! …nOw that I think about it that might be why I was feelIng so bad when I was over there helPin!

I think tonight me and aMY are gonna go to rOSs and I wanna go loOk at cars…I wanna loOk at those new SiCon tC’s! I might just get myself a birthday present if the price and such is rigHT! =) I kinda don’t wanna gO tho cause then ill want it and be sad if I cant have it..ya kno!? = (

Welll thennnn…gonna go read some old reAders diGest like a granDma!
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