effn ppl...

Jul 24, 2004 01:51

okae... since megan was nice enough to make my elljay look all purdy ehn wut not... i've decided to write up in this... wut u call a "journal".

well my day went like this...

...today i went to wet n wild with megan. we sat there for the longest time. since we were tired. we were still NOT wet. then we decided to go get some food ehn eat. then jaime came. we went on like 2 rides. ehn then sat down. listened to some guy play some songs. ppl requested. haha we laughed at this one kid cus he was like trying to make friends with the guy that was singing. but it kinda didn't work. then he played a song from the beatles... sumn bout cheesburgers ehn wut not. ehn they had que cards. of course megan went up there ehn held up a que card. then it got dark. we decided to go in the lazy river since some guy gave us 3 tubes. we stayed in there for the longest time... hah. there were these guys standing on this bridge. everytime we would pass them i would say "my friend wants yer number!!!" ehn pointed to megan. haha. ehn they would just smile ehn luagh. ehn one time they told her to come up there. but she didn't want to. then i kinda-sorta made friends with these 2 boys that were like years old or something. they sed that they were 13 but they were too short ehn looked too young. lol. ehn they kept flipping me over wen i was on the tube. then ran off ehn flipped megan over. then i was like CAN I GET YER NUMBER?! lol. ehn the kid looked suprised ehn sed REALLY!? ehn im like uh YEAH. ehn he sed some numbers but i can't remember them. haha. THEN... megan decides to tell one of the lifegaurds that i wanted his number. ehn im like wtf? huh?! ehn yells "paybacks a bitch huh jonna!" ehn im like oh fuck. jaime ehn megan both sed the guy was covered with smiles. ehn kept on smiling everytime we would pass by. haha. so i then decide to go sit down cus i was getn cold. i was standing up with my towel. looked behind me. dropped the towel ehn panicked. ehn megan was like what waht? ehn im standing there saying OMG OMG OMG! ehn she turns aruond. the 2 guys from the bridge walk up tp us. the guy was like "do u still want my number?" ehn megans like uh sure... lol. ehn i like ran cus i knew megan was guna kill me for that. since the kid was really ugly ehn all. haha. his names eric. i rally doubt megan is guna call him. cus she never calls guys. but oh well. then went home at 10. got some taco bell. now im here. talkin to ppl.

well thats how my day went... it was actually fun. better than sitting at home being bored as a mofo. tomorrow i don't know wut im doing.

bleh. mark needs to get off his damn groundation crap! makn me angry. haha. but today... he sed that he took tequilla shots with his parentals. he says that his mom sed that it was some kinda of "bonding". hmm... i think it worked. haha. man... i wish my parentals were like that. kinda. haha.

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