thanks you dumb bitch

Dec 21, 2007 19:29

douche bag...add your name to the list of synonyms please
Body: so apparently I deeply offended someone when I refered to them as a douche bag in a stupid survey...the childish response was comical...actually I don't even want to say childish because the kids at my elementary school would never be that lame...

dictionary definition of douche bag:
noun-a small syringe for douching the vagina especially as a contraceptive measure
informal-a loathesome or contemptible person

loathesome-causing hatred or disgust, repulsive

contemptible-despicable (contempt) the feeling that a person or thing is beneath consideration, worthless or deserving scorn

Okay so obviously he doesn't match the noun version of the word because contraceptives aren't his forte and preventing pregnancy or "pregnancy" aren't really a large concern

But the rest is pretty much right on point
I don't hate anyone but if I did you would be on that list
I find your immaturity and selfcenteredness repulsive, and the way you treat your girlfriend disgusts me

I don't consider you a friend of mine or worth my time...the ony reason I do this is to point out what everyone will say anywhere but to your face....nothing I post on myspace is requesting your feedback but you're welcome to give it that whole free speech thing you know...I'm sorry you were given my "2007 biggest douche bag award" and that your ego couldn't handle it...but I haven't met anyone as pitiful rude or tasteless as you in all of my life.

At first I felt bad that I matched you and rayleen up....then I got over it because she was happy...then I listened to her complain about your shit and how she thinks you use her...sure I would think that too if my boyfriend were always using my car because he doesn't have his own or if I had to buy him groceries and he offered to pay my phone bill in return but couldn't because he wanted to buy weed or maybe her covering the weed charges when you ran a red light and asked her not to rat you out...and whatever other bull shit entails but I never tried to break you up because I acknowledge the fact that she in most cases can think for herself....or maybe I thought she might break up with you on account of her other dates I dunno I guess she really does love you....I know she does because I watched her be hopelessly miserable for days when you went on a "break" You deserve each other and I hope you are happy together and have a wonderful life. I personally am not wanting to be any part ofthat life and I thought I made that clear maybe not.

Lets make a deal I'll stay out of your life if you stay out of mine, but I will not avoid my friends because immaturity can't handle being at the same social events. GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF

****sorry for whoever read this it's a tad out of character for me as you probably noticed but bull shit has become overwhelming and I'm done with assinine comments when I talk about a friend dying or fill out a stupid survey truthfully...and yes I know I switched tenses part way through****
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