so i havent updated in about a bazillion years

Jan 28, 2006 07:10

really is only been a little less then a week.

so uhm im enjoying school. evryone seems pretty chill or maybe is just the large amount of weed they smoke be4 school and during breaks. actually theres only 3 sober people at school thats Laura, Sarah and me. but none the less i like my school and i just might like going there for the rest of the year.

so im not going to georgia if i was i would be really uber excited RIGHT NOW! cus its the 28 and i would have left on the 2. i am not sure what to think of my reasoning. im a stupid girl but in the long run im not all that stupid... matts a stupid boy and he will be for a while.

impretty sure our friendship has been shot to hell now. not because he doenst like me its because he waited until 10 days be4 i was planning on leavng to break it to me.

if it hasnt then thats good. i can pretend i dont care just as well as the next person.

so i went out with tosha last night. we went to dinner with john and zack. zack is adorable i pretty much love his explanation of his realationship with his girlfriend.. john and tosha are the most wierdest couple i mean they cant hold a candle to sam and david but they just fight about the wierdest things like its really aobut another thing but they both held in thier feelings for too long that it ends up being about somthing compleatly diffent but they will fight aobut the first thing... ugh! seriously i really love it but then i dont at the same time.

i absolutly love tosha tho.last nigth we had a couple of moments.when i looked cute and she didnt so she had to actually fuss over her self cuz i just threw on two shirts and a sweater which happend to come ut looking cute.. my bad. trust me it doest happend too often. her wierd story about the bananna pizza cake and a birthday. at dinner when we couldnt stop laughing. [[we saw tim sarotie and she wanted to go say hi but i was like "oh dont he'll go on this tangent that hes a model" and she was like "oh hes a model really " me "yea we just havent seen him anywhere"]]we almost hit johns car so i screamed bu i was on the phone with noland so i think i screamed in his ear. oh and the dog caught fell in the fire.

oh and i love the puzzle theroy... i just do.. it fits with justa bout everyone.
im gonna get some sleep

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