all you need is love

Oct 15, 2007 15:15

Buy Star Bombs @ Hot Shots!

What a great time we had on Saturday. The boys played great and we all had a lot of fun. I love these things because everyone is in one spot hanging out. So you can run around and chit chat with everyone. Lovely. Lovely! heh heh.

pumpkin carving!

Sunday was good. We slept in and got up at ease. No hangovers on our side. Poor Joe and Mary Ellen tho. Mad shots the night before! ha ha ha! the 4 of us got breakfast and then went and "picked" pumpkins. What fun! I love scooping the pumpkin. Joe, however, had throw himself of the table a bunch (superman style) when we got back from the bar.. that and the drumming from the show caused him a great deal of pain ESPECIALLY when scooping the pumpkin guts out 'cause it burned his cuts. We made a mess and cut up some pumpkins and then went to Pizzaria Unos for dinner. It was just that kinda day. Screw cooking. All in all it was a good weekend filled with laughing n smiles and good friends. yay.


Things with the Kitty are good. Joe started calling him ms kitty which I find VERY amusing. Its nice being so into someone and they feel the same and everything is pretty frickin' perfect. We see eachother when we want and never seem to run out of things to talk about or share with eachother. It's strange and new and wonderful. Neither of us have felt quite so happy in a relationship. I met his Uncle Randy and the first thing he said to me was "you're definetly the most outgoing of all his girlfriends" I was like sweet.. ::smiles:: his sister, Courtney, who I knew first said I was the most sane out of them all and that she'd never seen his so into someone. I went to Nicole's Bridal Shower on Saturday during the day and Trish inturrupeted me in the middle of a story because she said "you know, you are glowing.. you glow when you talk about Britten" Nicole and her are both excited to meet him.. and he's excited for the wedding! He can't wait to dance. I'm just like dang.. how did I get so frickin' lucky? But the best part is that he feels the same way about me and isn't shy about telling me. He's not perfect but our love for eachother definetly is.

For Halloween we're going as a bee and a flower. I'm excited. ha ha ha!
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