Yesterday + Today

Dec 31, 2004 17:25

Yesterday me and whitney went shopping and before i got to her house i was running late not to mention i hate going to the bank in middletown it sucks they get everything wrong! but i finally got thre at like 12:30 then we left and we went to target and we seen this boy whitney likes he is nice! and i seen the lady whitney dont like and the cash lady was like you work here i didnt know that i have never seen you here its because whitney works after school and thats when the lady gets off but whitney has worked with her! I got clogs there that it i love clogs they are cunfy and a brown belt. After that we went to chick fil a in the mall and we seen ashley and my aunt tina. we tried to find my aunt robin but we didnt end up seening her but we left after that to go to kholes i got my mom a bilfold for her birthday and i got a scarf i really didnt buy that much stuff i know but whitney got a candle and three or four black shirts after that we went to mcdonalds on briel and these guys were staring at us and i looked over and they pointed at us i was like ok! anyways we got 2 french vanilla capitino and a water because i needed a water my throat was like the gobi dessert and we got to my house i gave whitney her gift and whitney hadn't opened it and my mom was like now that you two have gift certificates she was like oops and whitney opened it, it was 30 dollars to trenton nails so we went to trenton nails and got pedicure and manicure the people are so funny there after that we went back to my house and ate then left for whitneys dad's house and we got there and we did a work out video watched made and the nanny then went in the room didnt get to bed till forever but we woke up and my legs were covered in sumthin and i don't know what it is i was worried we did another work out video and then we took showers sat around some more and thenm at 1:30 we left david took me home we listened to n sync because david likes friday night or what ever it is called and we got to my house and i called my mom and tolde her to bring me cough drops and vicks vapor rub because i couldnt breathe so then i put the dishes away for my mom and me and my dog layed down and i finally got up and moving around now and i feel good i am trying to talk my mom into doing something tonight like andything whitney is having a party at her house she is making a hole bunch of food. But my family never does anything we are boring! But i am gonna go because i am gonna check my email

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