Feb 21, 2004 13:05
i cant even remember the last time i could do this... sleep in and wake up to an empty house, open up the blinds and let all the sunlight in my room at noon, turn on the stero, and just smile. I was suposed to get up at like 9:00 after going to bed at like 2:00 for a scrimage game but the game got cancelled and i am sooo happy. I really really needed to sleep and just be home for an hour... myself.
i think im gonna really like this journal thing - just a place to get everything out of me. Im just starting to realize how much i have to say that i dont kno where to start. my life has changed so fast in the past two months that it scares me. The sad part is ive been so busy that i havent even taken the time to talk to anyone about it. Im so blessed to have friends like katie kadi and kehle - my goodness gurls i had so much fun last night - id forgotten what it felt like to laugh with the gurls.
9th grade is def going to be the year i remember as when everything changed. when i grew up. sometimes i feel so far away from everyone because my values and priorities have changed.
there is no growth without change--
no change without fear or loss--
and there is no loss without pain
the funny thing is - with all this change -
ive never been happier in my entire life
ive given my life to christ -
its not my life any more guys - it never was -
i am so blessed - god amazes me everyday
i cant even put it into words
think about how many times you smile or laugh when no one is around - most of the times those are the only times you actually mean it -
im sitting here smiling - because ah i cant explain it - i have this life this oppurtunity these friends this love this family this s u n l i g h t
everyday is a good day
i let school take that away from me
the most depressing part of my day is school
it hurts me so bad to see people going downhill
and it hurts to hear about what people are doing
with their lives - i think god keeps that pain in my life to show me that im changing -
The very experiences that you have resented or regretted most in life - the ones you've wanted to hide and forget - are the experiences God wants to use to help others.
I'd almost forgotten about my friends. Id almost forgotten what it was to laugh to gurl talk to stop and let the light in...
thank you gurls. thank you for not getting mad at me. thank you for not giving up on me. thank you for trying to understand. im learning who my true friends are. who i can depend on. and who i can trust. im learning how to balance my life. i SUCK at it right now. i know ive messed up. i kno i am messing up. and i kno i will mess up.
i l o v e you katie
i l o v e you kadi
i l o v e you kelly
life is not what scares me
this world... this earth...
that is what can scare me
how it can grab you by its
gossip and hate.
god is stronger
he makes me stronger
love always and forever