(no subject)

Mar 03, 2005 22:09

This is a convo between me and saeed...

ILL LoVeee: tell me a story
Dancingbella44: ummm once upon a time there was a boy named saeed...he was a great kid and loved to pic his butt
Dancingbella44: one day he...
Dancingbella44: picked his butt...
Dancingbella44: the end
ILL LoVeee: bravo! BRAVOO!
ILL LoVeee: tell me another one
Dancingbella44: lol ok
Dancingbella44: once there was a girl named emily she was fabulous
Dancingbella44: one day she went into her favorite store and they decided to give her everything she wanted cause she was sooo fabulous...
Dancingbella44: and then she walked into a dressing room to try something on and she found a kid named saeed picking his butt!
Dancingbella44: the end
Dancingbella44: did u like it?
Dancingbella44: helloooooo????????
ILL LoVeee: it was okey
Dancingbella44: oh... ok tehn u tell me one
ILL LoVeee: u wanna hear a goooood story\ok i wil
ILL LoVeee: once apon a time
Dancingbella44: ok
Dancingbella44: ahh huuh 
ILL LoVeee: there was a child named 
ILL LoVeee: arkbar
Dancingbella44: the great?
Dancingbella44: oh...sorry thats akbar
Dancingbella44: sorry to much global
ILL LoVeee: good u have been learning                                                                              Dancingbella44: yes i have
ILL LoVeee: but did i say arkbar
Dancingbella44: lol and yes u did                                                                                                  ILL LoVeee: oh i ment
ILL LoVeee: ishmu
ILL LoVeee: he was born in a small village in the desert
Dancingbella44: ahah ok,..so ishmu...what happend
ILL LoVeee: he came to america 
Dancingbella44: ahhh huuhhh this is sooo intense
ILL LoVeee: and he wanted to be the greatest porno actor in the all of the world
ILL LoVeee: so he did he share of work
Dancingbella44: LMAO                                                                                                                ILL LoVeee: being a hoe and all
Dancingbella44: or u might say working it
ILL LoVeee: till one day
Dancingbella44: lol
Dancingbella44: ahh huhh...let me guess3
ILL LoVeee: he was pleasuring a man
ILL LoVeee: for money
Dancingbella44: .he got gonneria
ILL LoVeee: and the man said
Dancingbella44: lol
ILL LoVeee: do u want to be in a porno
ILL LoVeee: and before u knew it
ILL LoVeee: hes off to hollywood to make a porno
Dancingbella44: LMAO
ILL LoVeee: he then went on to make a magizine called "Pwayboyz"
ILL LoVeee: and his dream came true
ILL LoVeee: the end
Dancingbella44: yes!
Dancingbella44: great storyy

yup...just a typical converstation between me and him.... lol ttyl i dont feel like updating!


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