May 29, 2009 01:44
Yo. I'm so bored, no ones talking to me, no ones calling me, the city is asleep. So weird, somewhere in Japan they're eating lunch right now. Anyways, everything is good. I saw the Chicago Fire take on Chivas USA today. Of course, shitty refereeing....thus Chicago winning. I wrote an awesome guitar riff the other day, any takers on starting a side project? I'm feelin' artistic this summer. Anyways, everything is well with the girlfran. I'm currently missing her mucho! It's been kinda weird when a lot of girls hit on me, cause it's been a long time since i've been in a long relationship, but it's all goood.
Anyways, when two people know each other well...when they have a strong bond, they can read each others minds. You know that? forreal. This sounds like a drunk entry, so maybe i'll put this one on private too. haha