(no subject)

Dec 21, 2005 12:10


Name: Topic:
Group #:

9.1 8 ______

9.2 15 ______

9.3 30 ______

9.4 8 ______

10.1 4 ______

10.2 4 ______

10.3 12 ______

10.4 3 ______

10.5 36 ______

10.6 6 ______

Subtotal for Paper 130 ______

Points Deducted:
Writing _____
Organization _____
Participation _____

Total Points Deducted ______

Extra Credit Points:
Competition _____
Speakers _____
Survey _____

Total Extra Credit Points ______

MODULE FIVE 130 ______ #_____


** Whenever you use a source in your answer you must provide an APA-style internal citation and a full APA-style reference in the Reference Page exercise.
HINT: Most of these exercises require citations.**

Exercise 9.1: Describing the Policy to be Implemented
Your Total Score:_____ (Maximum: 8 points)

A. Briefly describe the public policy you want to implement.
• Be clear about what level of government--- local, state, or federal---will implement your policy.
• You can choose to analyze any policy at any level. (2 points)
Part A score:_____

• Describe the public policy here:

• State the level of government that will implement the policy here:

B. Describe what legislative actions including the specific body, if any, are required to implement the proposed policy. If none are required, explain why. (2 points)
Part B score:_____

C. Describe what administrative actions including the specific agency, if any, are required to implement the proposed policy. If none are required, explain why. (2 points)
Part C score:_____

D. Describe any actions that are required to provide funding for your policy. If none are required, explain why. (2 points)
Part D score:_____

Exercise 9.2: Identifying Players
Your Total Score:_____ (Maximum: 15 points)

List five players that have the most influence on your policy by filling out the chart below.
• Briefly justify each selection, using a source for each.
• Up to 3 points will be deducted for each obvious player omitted.
• Be sure to include the title of each player.






Exercise 9.3: Estimating Issue Position, Power, and Priority for Each Player
Your Total Score:_____ (Maximum: 30 points)

Estimate and provide justification for the issue position, power, and priority for each player listed in Exercise 9.2.
• Each of the fifteen reasonable and well-justified estimates is worth 2 points.
• At least one justification must be quoted from a player, expert or stakeholder you interviewed during the course or you will lose 10 points.

PLAYER 1 - Name:
Issue Position: Justification:

Power: Justification:

Priority: Justification:

Player 1 score:_____

PLAYER 2 - Name:
Issue Position: Justification:

Power: Justification:

Priority: Justification:

Player 2 score:_____

PLAYER 3 - Name:
Issue Position: Justification:

Power: Justification:

Priority: Justification:

Player 3 score:_____

PLAYER 4 - Name:
Issue Position: Justification:

Power: Justification:

Priority: Justification:

Player 4 score:_____

PLAYER 5 - Name:
Issue Position: Justification:

Power: Justification:

Priority: Justification:

Player 5 score:_____

Exercise 9.4: Completing the Prince Chart and Calculating the Probability of the Policy Being Accepted
Your Total Score:_____ (Maximum: 8 points)

A. Using the policy and the players listed in Exercises 9.2 and 9.3, construct a Prince Chart following the format shown in Figure 9.1 in the textbook.
• Make sure to restate your policy and recopy the numbers from 9.2 correctly.
• Calculate each player's Prince Score according to the directions. (6 points)
Part A score:_____
• Restate your policy here:

Players Issue Position x Power x Priority = Prince Score

x x =

x x =

x x =

x x =

x x =

B. Calculate the probability of the policy being implemented following the directions in Step 9.4 of the textbook.
• Show all of your calculations below.
• Interpret the probability according to Figure 9.2 in the textbook. (2 points)
Part B score:_____
• Show your calculations here:

• Interpret the probability here:

Exercise 10.1: Selecting a Player for Developing a Strategy
Your Total Score:_____ (Maximum: 4 points)

Select a player with which to develop a strategy. Justify your selection in terms of the player’s issue position, priority, and power.
• State player you selected here:

• Justify your selection here:

Exercise 10.2: Describing a Political Strategy
Your Total Score:_____ (Maximum: 4 points)

Describe one strategy that might be pursued by the player selected in Exercise 10.1.
• The strategy should attempt to increase the likelihood of the outcome the player favors.
• The strategy must be within the capabilities of the player.
• Do NOT use “making an argument” in any way as your strategy.
• Clearly state the strategy, including specific actions the player might take, here:

Exercise 10.3: Assessing the Impact of the Proposed Strategy
Your Total Score:_____ (Maximum: 12 points)

A. Briefly describe the impact of the strategy you developed in Exercise 10.2.
• For each player, list the original issue position, power, and priority scores. Then list the new scores produced by your strategy. You will lose 3 points for incorrectly estimating the change or lack of change in the issue position, priority, and power of each player up to 9 points.
• If the scores remain the same, write an "S".
• Provide justification for the changes.
• At least one justification must be from one of the people you have contacted during the course or you will lose 10 points. (9 points)
Part A score:_____

Player Original Scores New Scores Justification
Player 1 - Name: Issue Position:
Player 2 - Name: Issue Position:
Player 3 - Name: Issue Position:
Player 4 - Name: Issue Position:
Player 5 - Name: Issue Position:

B. Calculate the new probability of the policy being implemented.
• Show your calculations below.
• Briefly describe and assess the overall impact and success of your strategy. (3 points)
Part B score:_____
• Show your calculations here:

• Describe and assess the overall impact here:

Exercise 10.4: Making A Difference
Your Total Score:_____ (Maximum: 3 points)

Find a person in How You Can Help whom you would most likely aspire to be like at some point in your life.
• Write the name of the person and the page number on which the person is described here:

• Write the first reason why you have this aspiration here:

• Write the second reason why you have this aspiration here:

• Write the third reason why you have this aspiration here:

Exercise 10.5 Policy Memorandum Based on What You Have Learned this Semester
Your Total Score:_____ (Maximum: 40 points)
This exercise requires you to write a policy memo to a government official that reflects your latest thinking about the policy proposal and demonstrates the concepts presented throughout the course. Players like to have a one page document that touches on the four topics listed below in as concise a form as possible. Therefore, it must be no more than 500 words. Every word more than 500 will result in a point deduction up to the entire 40 points for the exercise. Chapters are indicated for each topic, but it does not mean everything in the chapter goes into the memo.
You need to decide what is the most important information.
• Identify the name and office of a current elected or appointed official who is a player for your policy and write a policy memo using the following form:

TO: Bob Smith
President of ABC Club
FROM: Your Name

SUBJECT: Your policy proposal in 10 words or less

• Write a 300-500 word memo divided into the following four sections (indicated by a sub-title):
1. Problem (cover concepts in Chapter 5)
2. Proposed Policy (cover concepts in Chapter 6)
3. Benchmarks (cover concepts in Chapter 8)
4. Political Feasibility (cover concepts in Chapter 9)

• In addition to submitting this exercise with the rest of your
Module, go to the PAF 101 website - Downloads - 10.5 Final Memo - Submit
your completed memo - PRINT OUT the receipt and attach behind this
exercise, or lose ALL 40 points.

Exercise 10.6: References Page
Your Total Score:_____ (Maximum: 6 points)
• Prepare a References page in which you reference all sources used for this module.
• Follow the APA format.
• Include all sources used in the exercises.
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