Dec 09, 2006 01:41
if ur ears were coled would you stilll be able to heaeer me? wcould i give you a hearing ade and you wouold be helpsed? i' am a giant lantern ill warm you u[p dood.... i'll give you something specaial but i don't know ahta ... i have a little candy graham.... mayne i don't have a hundred bucks to spend on one like some other fyu guy .... i may have a buck not sure gotta have lunch dough... gotta put it up gotta build hat fro.. that fro is my lifestyle dont esxxpletiti with it i have you and your cheeck bone for 4 sale. dont go out or ill attack you with hauil.. stroms or are coming i will make a hay bale.... expletive you for i've got the holy grail.
mayuebe your station wagon has better leather than mine bu i'tve gpot a giant window i plug suction plushies to as a fashion statement.. they stick to the window you mother expletive... they have a giant beam of fire buttocks... i'll set your csheeks on fire with a match and you'll be alll like "ow my butt's burning" and i'll be like "lol i can't believe it took j-00 long enout to notice im alreayd finished with my noven" but i'll be liying cuz my novellen aint done cuz i'm slow and probablyu wasn't even working on one i just wanted to feeele wmore impoaratnat waaaah illl mope after i've done with this goddam,n pope..
hioetbjkgbjk bghjkgleghjkeghjl:ethjkehio