Jul 27, 2005 00:18
lets see sat nite i slept over elles we were up all nite a big spider got us then later patty found it in the bathroom nd killed it lol we had 1 hour of sleep then left for rhode island elle was a lil moody lol dont mess with her if shes tired wegot there went i nteh ocean it was sooo cold lol nd the sea weed attacked elle lol it was really fun we kinda fell asleep on the beach lol hahah but it was cool nd that day ti wasnt bad but monday omg i was burnt completely on my frotn side nd elle as i slammed into her mi brace got hooked in mi lip so now like the burn monday they were way bigger nd mi insides is all cut up there not that bad ne more lol it was all worth it tho even the 2-3 hours of traffic we sat in lol monday mi bro has his championship game that nite went to that today hung out talked to ash i thought she died nd melis raguzin i havent talked to that girl in forever... then my bro had the second championship game they lost after bein undefeated so there eliminated.. um after wards w ent to an after party went swimmin nd every1 chilled came home showered ya nd thats it nd i mite go to jenns house tomorrow nd swim nd hang possibly but yep thats about it so idk lol nd im leavin next wed for ocean city yes!!! im gonna be even more burnt i barely tan always burn i think its the jew in me lol ALBINO as every1 else says lol