Aug 15, 2004 15:26 yah tomorow is tha FirST DaY oF sKooL.!!!!!!! n im goin ta TriNiTy..but i still haven told all of mah frends tha im not guna b there..but i assum tha theyll get it wen im not on tha bus n wut wen they call tha roll n im not there.!!! i mean im still guna go ta the football its not lyke il drop frum tha face of tha earth.!! n lyke iv sayd bfor..if they really care theyll find out how ta get a hold a me.!!! so yah.!!!!! but NEWAY..i wen ta BiBLe sTuDy this mornin at NINE OCLOCK..!! i kno EARLY..but then i wen ta CHURCH..saw aLySSa..n JaSoN..n BriAn.!! aaww n hez leavin fer BaYLoR on TueSDaY..TEAR..cuz i din kno em all tha well..but we did get ta talk over lyke this pas week er wut not..n hez SoOoOoOoOoOo SWEET n HecKa FUNNY.!!! plus his younger brother..i thank hez mah age is cute to.!!! so YAY..n im not sure if he goes ta TriNiTy..i assum he is cuz brian talks bout it ALL tha tyme..n how kool it is.!!!!! but yah oOo n aLySSaZ pardy on SaTuRDaY wuz FUNN.!!! jacob endin up goin so i wuz happey tha i atleas kne one other person.!! lol but TEAR cuz leasha din go.!!!!! but it wuz her DADS surprise 50TH bday pardy..even tho his BDAY wuz als WeDNeSdAy.!! but its ALL good.!!! i wish i cuda been ta both..but yah.!!!! n i talkd ta CODY taday.!!! YAY..haven talkd ta tha kidd n FEREVER.!! so we made lyke sum kinda plans ta kick it tagether nex WeeKeN.!!!! so yah..he wants ta go ta ChurCHiLL..n if i wus at a PuBLiC skool too id wana go there cuz theres TONZA skool SPIRIT.!!!!! but b kool if he wuz at TriNiTy wit me..but he doesn wana..but its ALL good.!!!!! oOo n STILL happey bout wut BRANDON postd n here las lyke TWO entries.!!!! made mah day.!!!!!!!!!! but i STILL need ta get SKOOL thats wut im doin taday..oOo n SKOOL SHOES.!!!!! since i cant wear flip flops..TEAR..but its all good.!!!!!! oOo met this HeCKa kool gurl named BROOKE at aLySSaZ pardy..shez TITE..n HECKA funni.!!!! so i thank me n her r guna b tite thru out tha year.!!! But yah i thank im also guna chill wit tha JuNioRs this year.!!!! jus cuz i kno more of them then mah OWN YAH...despite mah BADD end of tha nite yestaday..taday wuz a GOOD day.!!! n tomrow i assum will b even BETTER..cuz SKOOL.!!!!!!! YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY.!!! but guna BOUNCE..cuz i gota get mah SHOES n SUPPLIES n mah brotherz CLOTHES...oOo yah hez guna b on AMERICAN IDOL..hez goin ta NEW ORLEANS on tha 31.!!!! n i KNO hez guna make it n NEONE thas heard em KNOZ it TOO.!!! but NEWHOOOOO..XOXO..LOVE YAWL..GoDBLeSS
<3 JAY <3