Me && Andrew's <33

Apr 24, 2007 19:21

one yearr anniversaryyy. loll this is so weird, writting in this journal two years later. 
So many things have changed
reading all of this makes me so nostalgic, 
time goes by so fast, looking back at how different we (me & Mcy) were, ahh. i miss the good old days
even when i was a melodramatic chongalicioussss dramaa queeen BRAT && Mcy was her
im going-to-meeting-you-pottymouth self :) iloveyouuuu,
its so nice to see that your still hereee, as my BEST FRIEND.

I guess we've both grown up, im not the same
little self centereddd girl [welll maybee THAT hasnt changedd ;) ], throwing fits because of SHANE, <---- pahaha 
well i guess that tought me that no patheticc loserrr is worthh my bestttfrienddd :p & 
"IF THEY DIDNT MAKE IT TO MY FUTURE IT WAS FOR A REASON" loll cough cough andrewwww.

you & ivan,
i still think theres HOPE. loll yeaa Ivan is like a huge
frustration ballllll BUTTTTT yaaaa.

ahhh mcyyy, your so different nowwww =[ but dont worrry i like it loll but its still like 
ilyyy :)

i cant wait tilll like 2 years from now, & i read THIS. loll im suree ill be 
writing something like
well i still cant believe how far ive came along with

ANDREW. out of all people.
lolll, i guess he proved us all wronggggggggg
[knockk on wood, before it fucking bites me in the assss]

"My hopeesss are soo high that your kissss might kill me" <33 
that song reminds me of youuuuuuu.

lalalala i cant believe the first time i wrote in this we were in 
8th grade, & now were going to 11th, wtffffffff

well atleast i learned how to SPELL correctly. :)
cuz "whooo diz iz" was gettingg olddd.





loniipants & Angiefacee
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