Nov 07, 2013 16:38
I'd kind of given up on ever getting married or having kids. The girlfriends I've had in the past have all proved a poor match in one way or another, and I'm not big on the social scene so I wasn't exactly meeting a whole lot of prospects. And, at my age and with my job, I considered it unlikely that one would just fall into my lap and be The One.
But that's practically what happened at RainFurrest. A girl I've known for years, but was always dating Someone Else, became single again. And immediately hunted me down. We've liked each other, of course - we were friends, like I said, for years - but I didn't realize she was actually attracted to me!
This is looking pretty serious, too. It's only been a month (or five years, if you count the time we knew each other without dating), but we've talked a lot of stuff over. And so far, we're in pretty close agreement over nearly everything.
This was a surprise. But, for once, a pleasant one! Yay, me!