Sep 27, 2013 02:19
Day 0 (Wednesday)
Did my normal day type stuff. Went shopping. Met Phil Geusz at about 8 PM for dinner. Since he hadn't eaten all day, due to that whole "plane" thing, we went where we knew there were large portions, Too-Much-Food-R-Us. Also known as Claim Jumper.
Fox had chicken, Phil pasta, and I had steak. Phil paid for it all after we stole his wallet, which was very nice of him.
Afterwards, went to his hotel room. Along the way we noticed registration was open, as it often is on Wednesday night as RF staff checks in the staff and makes sure everything's working right. So we collected our badges and other swag, avoiding the lines sure to form during the con proper. We also met Aloha there, a friend and this year's Con Chair. So the four of us went back to Phil's room and talked for, oh, 90 minutes or so, about no particular subject. Just chatted about whatever.
Left around 11:45, came home and played Halo 4 until about 5, when I went to bed.
Day 1 (Thursday)
Woke up around noon, left the house around 12:45, arrived at the hotel at 1 PM. Dropped off my bag of board games (containing Cutthroat Caverns, Power Grid, King of Tokyo, Nuts!, and Lunch Money) in the game room. Played King of Tokyo (lost), then went to a Writing Track panel about dialogue. Afterwards, wandered the con, visiting the Art Show, the Dealers' Den, and various other places. Bought one piece of art from a dealer. Dropped the print off in my car and returned to the Game Room for a while to just hang out. Mark and Lauren, who are in charge of the room and are regulars at my Sunday Game Night, bought some food: gyros. (I need to pay them back.) Played Small World (lost badly), then went to a panel giving general writing advice for beginner writers. Returned once more to the game room, played another game of King of Tokyo (lost again), and then hung out with Phil for an hour, discussing my story ideas for "What Comes After Wings."
By now it was after 11 PM. I was frankly ready to go home, but I had hopes that the parking gates would be open after midnight. So I played one more game, this time Power Grid. (This time I won.) Left the hotel about 1:20 AM, and stopped by Safeway on the way home. Bought some cheese (we were out) and took the opportunity to get some cash for the con. Got home at 1:45.
Fun day. It was soooooo nice to simply attend. I didn't have to worry about anything at all, other than what I wanted to do next. No concerns over how things are going, if the equipment got where it needed to go, where the panelists were, or anything else. I think I like it. :)