(no subject)

Nov 21, 2004 19:12


Well went to school came home talked online and on the phone and went out to dinner with my mom to national coney island and rented some movies Van helsing and Elf but i only got to watch Van Helsing cause i spent the night at Amandas house =] and we just talked online and ate mcdoanlds and we played gamecube and we killed her hamster!! =[ cause it had this big ass tumar and we killed it with exsaust or w/e cause we didnt want it to suffer anymore it was sad.. and we just watched tv and fel alseep bout 1:45


Woke up bout 10:30 cause my mom called cause she wanted me to go to the vet with her and we were there for 2 freakin hours!! then after we got taco bell and i came home and talked online for a bit then ig ot in the shower and got ready then bout 4 i went to my dads and watched some of halloween then the exercoist came on and that was really boring!! soo i fell asleep for bout half an hr then my dad woke me up cause we were goin out to dinenr and we went ot big boys then i came home and called krysten n katie soo they could spend the night and they got there and we talked onlien and we played hide n seek wit my lil sister lol and we hid in the closet lol and we wrere in the basement and we locked her out of the room we were in haha and then we watched some of this vampire movie and then we played guesstures for like a few hours lol and we listened to music and danced and took pictures and hsit and then we played odl maid and poker lol for like a logn time then we talked and we finally went to bed bout 4:30


lol and woke up at liek 12:30 and we played old maid and then Katie's dad came bout 1:30 and Krysten left at like 1:45 and then i went onlien for a few and Savannah and Paul imed me and asked me if i wanted to go ice skating with them and Zack soo Paul came n picked me up bout 2 soo i only had liek 15 misn to get ready!! and then we got there and we skated for like and hour and a half and as soon a si got on the rink i fell and Zack Paul and Savannah were laughing at me and i fell like 4 times and then i went back to my dads house and watched tv then my mom came n pciked me up and we went to dots and got subway and now im just sittin here talkin online and bein cold... and then at like 8 i gotta babysit till iek 11:3- :/ but at leats i get paid =] lol.. thats it for my weekend basically..

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