On any page with the standard LJ header, hover over "Profile", select "Settings". The CAPTCHA settings are under the "Privacy" tab. Enjoy in good health. We'll see. If there were a decent caching (i.e. offline) LJ client for Android, I might write more, but when I have net access there's too many other things to do.
To solve that problem I've considered using the post by email functionality, and I have about 30 posts (from a meme) skeletoned in my gmail drafts folder, but I can't seem to bring myself to do it regularly.
Ooh, thanks for that. Apparently I had it turned on for anonymous commentors?!?! But I've been getting 2-3 spam comments a day lately. Switched it to CAPTCHA for all non-friends. Maybe that'll help.
I should talk, really; I've only been posting once-a-month-ish.
Well, I have been getting 2-3 spam comments a day lately as well. If the CAPTCHAs are that ineffective, I guess I'll have to nuke anon comments entirely!
I've seen some where I wasn't actually sure if it was machine or human generated. If human, it looked like a human wandered onto my blog (mostly my science blog, which I don't post in anymore), actually made a comment related to the topic at hand, and then linked to their blog with a tangentially related topic (such as religion or conspiracy theories). I honestly wasn't sure if some of these were robo-generated or human generated. In those cases I typically followed the link, and it was to some actual content and not 1 amazing trick to lose weight!, but not any content I actually cared about, so I ended up keeping the comment.
I wish that I could at least filter spam so that stuff I don't need isn't adverted at me. I mean, jeez, I lost the weight already, penis is big enough, don't need to enlarge my boobs, don't need a reverse mortgage to complement my regular mortgage. Where the hell is stuff I actually need, like "melt all your trees in an hour with StumpAway!"?
For a while Google Ads was serving me nothing but "Take the GRE!" and "Buy yarn!" ads. "Take the GRE!" was at least somewhat relevant, though by the time those ads peaked I'd already taken it, and "Buy yarn!" is always relevant and it remains a common ad that I continue to see and don't mind seeing.
To solve that problem I've considered using the post by email functionality, and I have about 30 posts (from a meme) skeletoned in my gmail drafts folder, but I can't seem to bring myself to do it regularly.
I should talk, really; I've only been posting once-a-month-ish.
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